Accessories for formal wear

What accessories can I wear with a blue dress

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
What accessories can I wear with a blue dress
Image: Google Images

Sometimes when it comes to wearing a solid colour dress we face the question of how what we should wear with it. No? This is the case of precious and flashy blue dresses either in electric, royal, navy blue... which can all leave us stressed not knowing which accessories will go best with blue. So that this does not cause any problems, on we tell you what accessories to wear with a completely blue dress.

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  1. Shoes
  2. Bag
  3. Jewellery


Shoes are one of the first accessories we need to go with our blue dress. Depending on the shade of blue (electrical, navy, royal, etc.) one colour of shoe will be better than another, but in general you can wear nude or skin colour, black, gold or silver shoes with blue clothes. In the latter cases, make sure they are not too bright and flashy.

What accessories can I wear with a blue dress - Shoes


Once you've chosen your shoes (preferably) look for a bag that goes with everything too. Also, chose it based on the occasion i.e. if it's for a ceremony or formal event opt for a small handbag. Whereas if it is something more casual, you can choose a big and bold bag.

What accessories can I wear with a blue dress - Bag


When choosing jewellery, you should know that the following go with blue dresses:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bright and complementary colours, especially jewel-tones (fuchsia, red, green, purple...), especially if you like a boho touch.

You can make colorful bracelets to go with your dress by following our tutorial.

In the case of silver and gold and jewellery, you should consider your skin tone, because warmer skin tones go best with gold, while silver goes well with cooler skin tones. Just like with the bag you should choose your jewellery to go with your shoes so you're not mixing silver and gold or other colours that may clash.

Next, on, find out how to accessorize a coral dress.

If you want to read similar articles to What accessories can I wear with a blue dress, we recommend you visit our Fashion & Style category.

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I want to wear a royal blue peplum falls just at my knees. I'm 45 years old. What colors woll this look good with as far as accessorizing?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Desiree,

You can't go wrong with the range of white when wearing a royal blue dress. Ivory, cream and even silver will work well. Some people will go extravagant and wear royal blue with orange or green, but these run the risk of looking tacky. If you do want to wear green, take some inspiration from peacock feathers and wear something which matches these natural shades. Hope this helps!
phyllis christenson
can I wear gold jewelrey with med blue dress . grandson gave me the jewelery.
Alice T Breeze
Yes, gold and blue go well together, especially if you accessorize it with some gold shoes too.
Elizabeth Adams
needs up dates .....and how do I get a product if I need it
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What accessories can I wear with a blue dress