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Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type

Giorgia Fantozzi
By Giorgia Fantozzi. January 31, 2023
Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type

One of the greatest concerns in terms of health and wellness is to lose weight. Getting rid of extra kilos may be help in our quality of life. That is why being able to maintain an active lifestyle with a balanced diet becomes key. For this to happen, there are many types of food and diets that can help us achieve our goal. Many people choose to do some type of fasting. One of the most common issues when losing weight is dealing with belly fat. In order to eliminate belly fat, we should first find out our belly type to help us achieve our body goal.

That is why this new oneHOWTO article shows you the 5 types of intermittent fasting to lose weight according to belly type. We will give you some extra help to recognize your belly type and see faster results to slim it.

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  1. What is intermittent fasting?
  2. Stressed belly: 24-hour fasting
  3. Hormonal belly: alternate-day fasting (ADF)
  4. Bloated belly: 12-Hour fasting
  5. Alcohol belly: 16:8 fasting
  6. Mommy belly: 5:2 Diet

What is intermittent fasting?

If you want to loose extra weight with intermittent fasting, the focus is on when you eat. With intermittent fasting, you only eat during a specific time of the day. Fasting can help your body burn fat and it also has various health benefits, according to scientific research. There are 5 types of intermittent fasting, corresponding to the main belly types.

All the different types of fasting are based on choosing regular time periods to eat and fast. This diet allows your body to burn the calories of your last meal and start burning extra fat. Of course, you should check with your doctor before starting intermittent fasting. Once you get their go-ahead, you can start. The practice is simple and you can do it gradually. You can pick a daily approach, which restricts daily eating periods each day.

During the times when you’re not eating you can have water and zero-calorie beverages. It is recommended to have black coffee or tea. The Argentinian drink mate is perfect because it also make you feel full and takes away appetite. It's basically a herbal infusion.

During your eating periods, you should eating normally and consume the normal amount of calories that your body needs. Of course you will not lose weight or get healthier if have high-calorie junk food or big meals. You should opt for the Mediterranean diet.

If you want to discover other ways to be healthy, take a look at our guide on how to eat a balanced diet.

Stressed belly: 24-hour fasting

A stressed belly is one which appears due to stress. This happens because stress raises cortisol levels, which is associated with the risk of obesity. Most of the fat in this abdomen is in the front and in the navel area. Also the stomach is harder than soft.

In order to eliminate a stressed belly, you should of course eliminate stress, but also limit coffee consumption. It is also recommended to eat more foods containing magnesium. For this type of belly you can add some practices to mitigate the stress, such as yoga and meditation, and of course intermittent fasting. Getting enough sleep is also the key.

One of the most recommended fasts is the 24-hour or full-day fast. To have a healthy diet, it is not recommended in any case to stop eating. But it has been shown that depriving the body of food for a day can accelerate the metabolism. It is a fast and safe way to get rid of excesses and make the body work. In this type of fasting, you must wait 24 hours without eating anything solid until 24 hours have passed and then continue with your normal diet.

Hormonal belly: alternate-day fasting (ADF)

If your belly feels like a cushion on each side, you may have a hormonal failure. To eliminate it, you should limit low-fat food and to eat more food like avocados, fish nuts and eggs. There are many hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain, from hypothyroidism to PCOS. If you suspect that you’re gaining weight due to hormones, you should visit your doctor. If you don’t have one of those problems, you can follow the alternative-day fasting (ADF).

For more advanced cases, there is the alternative of being able to combine some normal eating days with fasting days. In this case, you should always be monitored by experts. In no case is it advisable to go for long periods without eating what is necessary. In this type of fasting you can combine the 24-hour fast for several alternate days. This is a type of fasting that is not recommended to be extended for a long time. Despite seeking to burn fat, the truth is that the body needs a routine and a source of healthy nutrients.

You may also be interested in our related article on the importance of fasting during Navratri.

Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type - Hormonal belly: alternate-day fasting (ADF)

Bloated belly: 12-Hour fasting

This type of bloated belly may be the result of the intolerance of some foods or allergies. Normally the stomach looks flat in the morning. Then it starts to appear in the afternoon, because there are too many gases in the intestine and indigestion occurs. The best you can do is to dieting, but also ensure you are exercising. You probably need to do more cardio, but also to rest better. It is also important to make adjustments to your diet. You should avoid fizzy drinks and soda. You should also try to eat food in small portions instead of big meals during your eating period.

This type of intermittent fasting is one of the most recommended. You can include it in your daily routine without running any risk and you can see the results after a few weeks. It consists in bringing forward the times of dinner and breakfast. So from dinner until the next meal, 12 hours have passed, which is usually spent being asleep or at rest. This is one of the most recommended ways to use fasting in your daily life. Also, being a very light fast, you will not lose muscle mass, but it will give your digestive system a rest and you will feel lighter.

Alcohol belly: 16:8 fasting

The ‘beer gut’ isn't just a myth. If you drink a lot of alcohol, you can have this type of belly. Foods high in simple sugars are also high in calories. Consuming foods and drinks high in sugar can quickly lead to weight gain. The best thing you can do it is avoid it and follow the 16:8 fasting.

One of its most effective alternatives is the 16-hour fast. It may seem like a long time, but it consists of eliminating breakfast to start ketosis. Of course, if you have a fast-paced lifestyle, you should consult a nutritionist beforehand. It can help to make sure you have the best way to be energetic and well nourished during the process.

With this type of intermittent fasting, you will see results quickly. If you eat well, you can complement it with cardio exercise. This is one of the fasts that are most often performed within all modalities. Of course, if you have an alcohol belly, reducing or avoid alcohol is imperative.

Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type - Alcohol belly: 16:8 fasting

Mommy belly: 5:2 Diet

It’s completely normal to have such a belly if you have given birth to a child. This may actually be a serious health condition called diastasis recti, so you should go visit your doctor if you think it is abnormal. Many moms experience it. It causes other health problems like urinary and stress incontinence, as well as digestion issues. Make sure to contact your doctor if you suspect having it. Also, eating more fish, nuts, oils and olives can help.

The last type of intermittent fasting that we are going to show you is the one that combines the type of food during the week. The goal is to be able to do two days of intermittent fasting and consume food normally on the other five. To get good results, it must be taken into account that the basic diet must be well balanced. In addition, the type of fasting is not total, but is intended to eliminate only 25% of the calories ingested. This can be achieved by eliminating, for example, dinner and eating healthy and light meals the rest of the day.

If you are considering starting intermittent fasting, but still need to change your diet, you may be interested in our article on how to organize a healthy diet.

If you want to read similar articles to Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type, we recommend you visit our Weight & image category.

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Intermittent Fasting Options According to Belly Type