Removing Wrinkles

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 25, 2017
How to Remove Deep Frown Lines

Wrinkles on the forehead are the first to appear, especially arising from facial expressions, such as those visible in between the eyebrows. If you tend to frown, it is very likely that you'll get a vertical line between the eyebrows that will give a tough look to your face - which can be good - and a less youthful appearance.

In the following OneHowTo article we will show you how to care for your skin and how to remove deep frown lines effectively, so always you will look fresh, young and radiant. Take note!

You may also be interested in: What Facial Expressions Cause Wrinkles
  1. Why are there wrinkles between the eyebrows?
  2. Exfoliate the area between the eyebrows
  3. Choose a good anti-aging cream
  4. Massage and facial exercises
  5. Watch your facial expressions
  6. Watch your diet and drink plenty of water
  7. Homemade wrinkle creams

Why are there wrinkles between the eyebrows?

That little wrinkle that appears vertically between the eyebrows has to do with facial expressions that are made too often. It specifically is an expression line much more common in people who frown constantly; in making this gesture, eyebrow muscles repeatedly contract which ends up causing the skin in that area to crumple.

In addition to the above, frown lines also appear by the skin's natural aging. As one ages with the course of nature and time, the production of collagen and elastin is reduced and therefore the skin loses elasticity and flexibility, resulting in wrinkling and the appearance of sagging all over the body.

Exfoliate the area between the eyebrows

Among the main tips to consider in order to remove deep frown lines involves exfoliating the area. The reason is simple: when you remove all accumulated dirt and dead cells, the skin becomes more luminous and regains elasticity, which is essential to reduce existing wrinkles.

Once a week, apply an exfoliating lotion all over the face and incide on the area between the eyebrows, giving a circular massage with light pressure. The mixture of sugar and olive oil can be a great ally to make a homemade scrub that also nourishes the skin and promotes its rejuvenation. If you do not know how to perform this task, we invite you to read the article on how to exfoliate your face.

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Exfoliate the area between the eyebrows

Choose a good anti-aging cream

From 25 years of age on, it is also very important to start applying an anti-wrinkle cream to help mitigate those lines that are already visible. These act by filling in the skin from the inside to make it smoother and firmer.

There are many creams on the market, but it is best to choose one that suits the particular needs of your type of skin and contain ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and AHA. Apply it in the morning and evening around eyebrows after thoroughly cleaning your face, and then apply eye contour to avoid the dreaded wrinkles and crow's feet.

Do not forget to remove your makeup before going to sleep. This should be a daily habit if you want to keep your skin young and radiant longer.

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Choose a good anti-aging cream

Massage and facial exercises

Massage and facial exercises are also useful to reduce the visibility of wrinkles, because exercising muscles reactivates blood circulation in the area. To deal with those deep frown lines, we recommend that you carry out the following home massage 3 or 4 times a week, which will also serve to prevent them from appearing:

  • Put the index finger, middle and ring fingers of each hand just above the eyebrows horizontally.
  • Stretch the skin outward with your fingers while you try to frown.
  • Hold this position for about 3 seconds, then relax your brow. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Another type of facial exercise that can give you good results involve opening your eyes exaggeratedly, raising your eyebrows or giving light pinches on the area between and around the eyebrows.

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Massage and facial exercises

Watch your facial expressions

As we mentioned in the first paragraph, many people develop vertical frown wrinkles much more markedly than others because they have the habit of frowning constantly. If this is your problem, avoid doing it by identifying specific times when you do it, and try to correct it.

You may frown often to see better what you see before you; in this case, it is best to check the status of your eyesight to see if you need glasses, even if only to read, watch TV, or work at your computer.

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Watch your facial expressions

Watch your diet and drink plenty of water

The food you eat also influences the state of your skin. If you want to delay the appearance of wrinkles, it is essential to follow a balanced and healthy diet. Try one that is very rich in vegetables and fruits.

There are nutrients that are especially good for slowing down the aging process of the skin, and these include antioxidants, vitamin A, C, E, K, and omega 3 among others. We recommend that you discover good choices in these articles on Foods that rejuvenate the skin and Foods that help prevent aging.

Do not hesitate to drink 1.5 or 2 liters of water to keep well moisturized tissues and favor the elimination of nasty toxins.

How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Watch your diet and drink plenty of water

Homemade wrinkle creams

To all our previous tips, you can also add the application of some natural products to eliminate deep frown lines. You can make your own wrinkle creams at home to preserve the youthfulness of your skin. Check out these recipes:

  • Aloe vera and cucumber: Mix 100g of aloe vera pulp with 100g of cucumber, add a little water and stir until you've got a deliciously smooth cream. Apply it all over the brow area and leave overnight.
  • Argan oil: Mix 10 drops of argan oil, 2 tablespoons plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey. Apply the cream on the brow, let stand for 20 minutes, then remove with warm or cold water.
  • Green grapes: Mix five crushed green grapes with the contents of 2 capsules of vitamin E and apply the cream in the areas you want to treat: it can be used for the entire face. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse.
How to Remove Deep Frown Lines - Homemade wrinkle creams

If you want to read similar articles to How to Remove Deep Frown Lines, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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How to Remove Deep Frown Lines