Anti-aging products

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles

If you are tired of commercial anti-ageing treatments that do not provide visible results, then check out this article from We will show you the best essential oils for wrinkles currently available on the market, lotions that penetrate deep into the skin to provide nutrition and hydration and rejuvenate the tissues from the inside. All this makes them amazing remedies for a young and vibrant complexion, a million miles away from dull and sagging skin. Pay close attention and you'll discover how to take advantage of all their anti-ageing properties.

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  1. Argan oil
  2. Jojoba oil
  3. Grapeseed oil
  4. Rosehip oil
  5. Wheatgerm oil
  6. How to apply oils to treat wrinkles

Argan oil

Argan oil is a Moroccan export that has proven to be a real beauty elixir for the skin, hair and nails, thanks to its incredible properties. It is particularly special thanks to its high antioxidant and vitamin E content, ingredients that make it one of the most effective natural oils to prevent and combat the signs of ageing skin.

First, it is excellent to keep the skin oxygenated and elastic, preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles. Second, it regenerates the skin and restores its hydrolipid layer, minimizing any wrinkles that already exist and preventing the formation of new ones. After application, the skin feels softer, nourished and full of life and has a more youthful appearance.

Anti-wrinkle mask with argan oil: mix 10 drops of argan oil, 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the paste to areas of the face that have wrinkles and leave to work for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold or warm water, and voila!

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - Argan oil

Jojoba oil

No list would be compete without mention being made of jojoba oil, a kind of liquid wax that is easily absorbed by the skin and nourishes and renews it down to the innermost layers. It is rich in vitamin E, vitamin B-complex and minerals, all of which make it ideal for combating the signs of ageing and preventing wrinkles, especially those around the eyes and lips.

In addition, this oil soothes irritated skin, makes it very soft and protects it from external agents that can damage its structure. It is also a good natural remedy for mature skin because of its firming properties.

Anti-wrinkle mask with jojoba oil: peel and shred half a cucumber, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Spread the mixture on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes.

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - Jojoba oil

Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil is suitable for all skin types and, in addition to cleansing and moisturizing the skin, it helps to keep it fresh and young for longer. It is one of the best products for getting rid of wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin due to its high antioxidant, vitamin A and vitamin E content. These ingredients promote skin cell regeneration and reduce the visible signs of ageing.

Not only that, it is also great for treating acne because of its astringent properties, since it unclogs pores and prevents new impurities from forming.

Anti-wrinkle mask with grapeseed oil: mix 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 capsule of vitamin E. Apply this anti-ageing face mask and leave it to work for 20 minutes. When you remove it, you'll reveal skin that glows with radiance.

For other treatments using this product, such as for treating acne or dark circles, check out our article How to use grapeseed oil on the skin.

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - Grapeseed oil

Rosehip oil

Although best-known for getting rid of stretch marks, rosehip oil is also great for fighting wrinkles. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin C, a perfect combination for rejuvenating the tissues, firming them and preventing the unsightly appearance of expression lines.

It also balances and unifies the skin tone, helping you to achieve an even complexion and appear much younger.

Anti-wrinkle mask with rosehip oil: mix 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter and 10 drops of rose hip oil. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes.

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - Rosehip oil

Wheatgerm oil

Wheatgerm oil is the last option to find the best essential oil for wrinkles. These days, it is widely used in anti-ageing treatments, largely because it hydrates and nourishes the skin deep down while, at the same time, rejuvenating it thanks to its vitamin A, D and E properties.

It also promotes blood circulation, giving the skin a healthier, more luminous appearance. Its antioxidant properties improve skin quality and prevent premature sagging that can make you look older.

Anti-wrinkle mask with wheatgerm oil: mix half a mashed avocado, 2 tablespoons of wheatgerm oil and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes.

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - Wheatgerm oil

How to apply oils to treat wrinkles

Not only can you combine natural oils with other ingredients to reduce wrinkles, can also apply them straight to your face. They offer amazing results and all you need to do is apply around 5 drops of any of these oils to any wrinkles and massage the skin in a circular motion until completely absorbed.

It is essential that the skin be clean and you should repeat the treatment once a day in order to see the effects after about 30 days.

The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles - How to apply oils to treat wrinkles

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The Best Essential Oil for Wrinkles