Avoiding wrinkles

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: August 2, 2020
All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin

Every day there are a higher number of treatments that prevent, slow down and get rid of wrinkles on skin. and eliminate wrinkles on the face. From topical creams and lotions to aesthetic surgeries, a a great array of alternatives are available nowadays to rejuvenate the appearance of your facial skin. However, it is not always necessary go for such drastic and expensive options when we have natural and affordable alternatives at our disposal that we can use to prevent the signs of aging.

In the following oneHOWTO article we will talk about all the best foods to eat for wrinkle free skin, since food and healthy habits of life play a fundamental role in the health of our skin. These foods have the ability to prevent cell degeneration, fighting against the effect of different harmful agents in our organism.

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  1. Tips to remove wrinkles
  2. Foods to prevent wrinkles: broccoli
  3. Foods to prevent wrinkles: Green leafy vegetables
  4. Getting rid of wrinkles without surgery: blueberries
  5. The best foods to prevent wrinkles: olive oil
  6. Walnuts: an anti-wrinkle solution
  7. Salmon: the best anti-wrinkle fish
  8. Fruit to prevent wrinkles
  9. Trumeric to avoid wrinkles

Tips to remove wrinkles

What we eat has a great importance in our general state of health and in the appearance of our particular skin. A good diet will make all body functions work, which will be reflected in our outward appearance, especially on the skin. On the contrary, if we carry some bad lifestyle habits, our organism is going to resent and will be reflected on our skin.

The most important tip is to mainly eat foods that contain antioxidants, elements that fight the harmful action of free radicals in skin cells, which prevents them from aging prematurely.

That is why, in addition to eating these foods for wrinkle free skin, it is imperative to follow the recommendations below to remove wrinkles and age marks on your skin:

  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  • Do not expose yourself to too many hours of sun.
  • Hydrate properly.
  • Never sleep with your makeup on.
  • Practice exercise on a regular basis, a sedentary life favors the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Use sunscreen, even if there are clouds. Talk to your doctor about what protection factor you should use.
  • Exfoliate your face every 15 days.

Foods to prevent wrinkles: broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable that, among other properties, can favor the health of our skin and hair. All these benefits for for wrinkle free skin are due to the large amount of components and nutrients present in broccoli.

Its richness in phytochemicals and vitamins, especially in vitamin C, makes it an essential food to produce collagen, an element that fights the appearance of wrinkles. On the other hand, it is also a product very rich in beta-carotene, pigments that promote cell regeneration and favor the health of the dermis.

Finally, broccoli is also full of vitamin A, an element that acts as a protector of cellular membranes that are present in the skin and prevent damage of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - Foods to prevent wrinkles: broccoli

Foods to prevent wrinkles: Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, as well as other green leafy vegetables, are a type of food that has large amounts of beta-carotene. Once in your body, beta-carotene is transformed into vitamin A, a vitamin that fulfills the function of renewing the cells in our skin, preventing aging and making the skin smoother.

On the other hand, spinach is also rich in vitamin C, a vitamin with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, that is, that prevent the harmful action of free radicals in cells found in our our dermis. Another action against the appearance of wrinkles.

Watercress is a plant used in treatments for skin conditions such as acne, rashes, and other skin infections. This is because it is a food with anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, besides being rich in vitamin A and C, which act as antioxidants eliminating any nasty free radicals. Other properties that make cress a special food to prevent wrinkles are moisturizing and toning aspects, which have positive effects on the skin.

Getting rid of wrinkles without surgery: blueberries

Blueberries are one of the best fruits that we can offer our body, its enormous qualities offer us great benefits to prevent many diseases and conditions.

When it comes to skin health and wrinkle removal, one of the nutrients of blueberries that help the dermis most is that they are very rich in vitamin C. These vitamins perform important functions regarding the production of collagen, an element that maintains the elasticity and health of the skin, so it fights the signs of aging like wrinkles or loss of skin elasticity.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - Getting rid of wrinkles without surgery: blueberries

The best foods to prevent wrinkles: olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil, always in its raw version, contains a lot of healthy fats that slow and prevent the oxidation of our skin's cells, helping us prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and reduce existing ones. In addition, olive oil is able to remove the dead cells that are accumulating on our skin, which are the main cause the aging of its layers.

In fact, studies that have been done show that regular intake of extra virgin olive oil can help reduce the damage to our skin by about 25%.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - The best foods to prevent wrinkles: olive oil

Walnuts: an anti-wrinkle solution

Walnuts, as well as other nuts such as almonds or pistachios, are great foods to eat for wrinkle free skins. Among the components of walnuts that offer the ability to improve the appearance of the skin, we'd like to highlight the fact that they are very rich in copper, a component that stimulates the production of elastin, which prevents the skin from becoming flaccid, giving it elasticity.

On the other hand, they are also a great source of vitamin E, and have a high antioxidant capacity, so they will be great allies to avoid the action of free radicals on the skin. In addition, we must also mention the great amount of vitamin C they contain, which can also detoxify the body.

Finally we must take the rest of the nuts' composition into account, as it has minerals such as zinc or copper and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Salmon: the best anti-wrinkle fish

Salmon, as well as most blue fish, is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. These acids are not only capable of improving cardiovascular health, what many people do not know is that it is also capable of improving the overall health of your skin.

This is because it is able to regulate the moisture levels of the dermis, preventing it from drying out. If we consider that lack of hydration is one of the main causes of the appearance of wrinkles and lines of expression, Omega 3 will become a fantastic food to eat for wrinkle free skin.

At a general level, it is advisable to consume salmon and other fish between 2 and 3 times a week, so that we can get maximum benefits. On the other hand, this type of products provide us with copper, an element that increases elastin levels, which makes our skin become softer, elastic and smooth.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - Salmon: the best anti-wrinkle fish

Fruit to prevent wrinkles

There are also certain fruits that are highly useful for wrinkle free skin. To begin with, cantaloupe is rich in vitamin A and C, beta-Carotene and other substances that improve skin damage caused by external agents such as the sun. Melon is a food to prevent wrinkles and it also moisturizes the skin as a caring agent. Also, coconut is also a good ally to prevent wrinkles, since it strengthens the skin tissue, improving softness, flexibility and by making it smoother. Coconut water stimulates proliferation of antioxidants that prevent skin aging and wrinkling. Finally, avocado is another fruit with a high level of antioxidants that help prevent wrinkles, as well as having regenerative to contain oleic acid, also present in olive oil properties.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - Fruit to prevent wrinkles

Trumeric to avoid wrinkles

Turmeric is a spice with many beneficial properties for human health. Among them are the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which contribute to the elimination of free radicals in the body. Turmeric has been used as a beauty product for hundreds of years, since it contains antiseptic properties that give more brightness to the skin, cleans pores, removes pimples, facilitates the disappearance of scars caused by acne, etc. Turmeric is a food for wrinkles that can be applied to the face making a mixture of the plant along with some raw milk and juice take to prepare a poultice. However, it can also be used to flavor foods and to get those different properties that help prevent wrinkles. Moreover, using turmeric in the kitchen is very simple.

All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin - Trumeric to avoid wrinkles

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All the Best Foods to Eat for Wrinkle Free Skin