Hair oils

How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. Updated: March 28, 2017
How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil makes hair thicker. You can use it both as a hair mask, followed by shampoo, or as a hair oil after washing and drying hair.

Is you hair damaged by coloring, straightening or relaxing? Do you notice your hair getting thinner and drier? Then coconut oil might well be the answer to your problems. Do you know how to thicken your hair with coconut oil? It is easy: in this oneHOWTO article we will explain how to get thicker hair with coconut oil step by step, so that you have a clear idea of how to use it. First of all, we will explain: does coconut oil make your hair thick? And why? Then, we will give you 3 recipes for longer and thicker hair. So, read carefully to discover how to grow thicker hair with coconut oil.

You may also be interested in: Does Castor Oil Help Hair Grow Thicker?
  1. Does coconut oil make your hair thick?
  2. How to get thicker hair with coconut oil
  3. How to get thicker hair with coconut oil and honey
  4. How to get thicker hair with coconut oil and amla

Does coconut oil make your hair thick?

Coconut oil can make your hair thick, if used correctly. This is mainly due to its lauric acid, capric acid, and protein content that penetrate the hair deeply, leaving it thick and healthy.

Let's explain in more detail why coconut oil makes hair thick (it also makes eyebrows, thick) Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that nourish both body and hair. The C12 chain of MCFAs, called lauric acid, is especially present in coconut oil. Lauric acid is also present in breast milk, so human body is familiar with it. Lauric acid is very beneficial to the hair because it leaves a monoglyceride called monolaurin directly on the hair. This substance is very powerful in strengthening and thickening the hair.

This is not the only reason why coconut oil makes hair thick. There is another substance contained in coconut oil that makes the hair long and thick: capric acid. Moreover, vitamin E, K, and iron provide the hair with important nourishment, stimulating hair growth, and thicker hair.

Linoleic acid contained in coconut oil, on the other hand, promotes hair elasticity, preventing damage, slit ends, thus thicker hair.

Coconut oil is a natural hair conditioner and moisturizer, which means it penetrates the hair, making it thicker by preventing it from breaking and even protecting it from sun and pollution.

When massaged onto the scalp, coconut oil promotes blood circulation, which translates as more nourishment to the hair follicles, making the hair thicker.

Coconut oil also makes hair thicker indirectly in 2 ways: it combats dandruff, which is often a cause of hair loss and unhealthy hair; moreover coconut oil has antimicrobal and antibacterial properties, which protect the hair from aggressive attacks.

How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil - Does coconut oil make your hair thick?

How to get thicker hair with coconut oil

Now that you know why coconut oil makes hair thick, we can talk about how to grow thicker hair with coconut oil. Methods to grow thicker hair with coconut oil are not a modern invention: in many Asian countries women have been using coconut oil for thicker hair for hundreds of years. But how do they do it? It is fairly easy because coconut oil's composition makes it particularly fast in penetrating the hair deeply compared to other oils and conditioners. However, keep in mind that the longer you leave coconut oil on your hair, the more effective it will be. Ideally, to grow thicker hair with coconut oil, you should leave it on your hair overnight.

Here is the first way to grow thicker hair with coconut oil:

What you need

  • 1 to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (depending on hair length)
  • source of heat
  • shower cap
  • shampoo, preferably natural reetha shampoo


  1. Heat up coconut oil by exposing it to an indirect heat source, if it is solid
  2. massage some of the oil onto your scalp with your fingers
  3. apply some more oil on the length of your hair
  4. comb your hair to spread the coconut oil
  5. let sit for at least 1 hour, or overnight, covering the hair with a shower cap
  6. shampoo with reetha to remove the oil
  7. blow dry and apply a little more oil on the hair ends

This is a very simple method to grow thicker hair with coconut oil. You can use do it once or twice a week, not everyday. Let's see more ways to thicken your hair with coconut oil.

How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil - How to get thicker hair with coconut oil

How to get thicker hair with coconut oil and honey

Honey can multiply the properties of coconut oil, and is very beneficial to the hair. Honey makes hair smooth, shiny, and removes the frizz. This hair mask will help you thicken your hair with coconut oil and honey.

What you need

  • 1 to 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 to 3 tablespoons honey
  • shower cap
  • shampoo, preferably natural reetha shampoo


  1. mix coconut oil and honey until completely liquid
  2. apply the mixture to your hair as explained above
  3. comb your hair
  4. let sit for 2 hours
  5. wash with reetha shampoo

This mask to get thicker hair with coconut oil shouldn't be used more often than once a week. To get even greater benefits, you can also add castor oil. Now let's see the last recipe to make hair thicker with coconut oil.

How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil - How to get thicker hair with coconut oil and honey

How to get thicker hair with coconut oil and amla

We explained all the properties of amla for hair in another article. This a truly miraculous hair product, and, like coconut oil, is totally natural. Amla, paired with coconut oil, might well be the best product to thicken your hair. Let's see how.

What you need

  • 100g Amla poweder (you can blend the dried amla fruit to obtain a powder)
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil
  • half litre water
  • shower cap
  • shampoo


  1. gently simmer water with amla powder, until it reduces by 3/4
  2. turn off the heat and add coconut oil to form a loose paste
  3. apply to the hair, from scalp to ends
  4. let sit overnight, cover with a shower cap
  5. wash hair

Here you go! You know how to grow thicker hair with coconut oil and amla.

The last suggestions to grow thicker hair are: do not shampoo everyday, eat healthy, exercise, find ways to take out the stress, and drink plenty of water. If you do not do those things first, coconut oil will not be enough to thicken your hair, despite its amazing benefits. Go on and make hair thicker with coconut oil!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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How to Grow Thicker Hair with Coconut Oil