How to Change your Look without Spending Money

Would you like to have a makeover? You've probably looked in the mirror more than once and wished that you look different. Whether you're lazy or don't want to spend money, you may feel held back. We tend to associate change with money: money for the hairdresser, money for clothes, shoes etc., which can all add up, and before you've even started, you've given up. However, feeling good about yourself is vital for your well-being. What's more, you don't need money to change your look. You can achieve it by following just a few tips, without spending a penny! In, we explain how to change your look without spending money.
Steps to follow:
The trick lies in the little things. If you make several changes, however simple, you'll be able to change your look without spending money. Try changing the eyeliner you use.
- If you don't normally use it, try to create an outline on your eyelids and see how you can change your image.
- If you normally outline your eyes with a thick outline, try to stop using eyeliner.
- You can highlight your eyes and intensify your look with a soft outline around the eyes.

Another way of using makeup to update your image is by using lipstick. Lipstick has the most impact and you don't need to resort to a traditional red to impress. As many women fear losing their natural look , they don't tend to wear lipstick. However, you can wear simple nude tones or lip gloss.

By wearing an unexpected mix of accessories, you can change your look, whilst appearing more modern at the same time. If you wear traditional, plain colors, opt for prints. There are endless choices of prints such as polka dots, stripes, tartan, flowery, abstract, etc. Imagine how effective a pattern can be for everyone. They can add a touch of personality to transform your look.
You don't have to renew your entire wardrobe. You can just add a touch of freshness and make a difference with accessories. Dare to wear shirts with collars, sequined jeans, skirts with a sporty touch. Power to the imagination!

Speaking of accessories, earrings can create an amazing transformation to your look. Some are small,whilst others can be big, pearls, rings, pendants, bold, discreet... Just by changing the style of your earrings or by wearing some you don't usually wear, you'll see how you can drastically change your look.
Try it and, once you've got dressed and you're ready to go out, try doing a soft outline around your eyes, a nude color lipstick and a polka dot scarf. Stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself, and then put some nice earrings in. Don't you look better?

Do you paint your nails every day? If you don't, just by changing this small detail you can change your look. A traditional French manicure makes your hands look really natural, or you can also try soft tones, loud tones, or even neon or bright colours. In this OneHowTo article, you can discover some easy nail designs.

If you are the type of person who only wears heels for a night out or at parties, change your mindset! You can save your highest heels for such occasions but you can try wearing clogs or a moderate or wedge heel for activities and daily chores. You'll look taller and slimmer with heels as they contour your figure.

Your hair can be an uncut diamond when it comes to changing your look. By simply refining some details, you can dramatically change your appearance. Do you have a middle parting? Part it to the side. Do you already have a side parting? Part it in the middle. It's as simple as changing the position and, although you may even feel a bit funny, more than one person will ask what you've done. This simple trick can be used when you wear your hair loose or when it's up. A ponytail that's parted one way or another can dramatically change a look.
Changing the color of your hair can be a radical change. But if you lack the skill to do it yourself, you can lighten your hair naturally with chamomile or lemon. If you want to dye it darker, this OneHowTo explains how you can dye your hair with coffee.

Do you have a fringe? If the answer is no, here's an instant way to change your look! To succeed, find out what kind of fringe suits the characteristics of your face and complexion. Depending on the extent of it, you can also change how you style it. You can always pin it back with hairpins to look different sometimes.
Hair accessories can also help to transform your look. If you have long hair, you can pin it up with a hair clip, tie it back with a ribbon or use a headband for sportier looks, etc.
Discover the best hairstyles to look expensive on a budget.

What better way of making yourself over than by shedding a few pounds? Exercise and healthy eating are key things that will help you to transform your look. You'll not only change your appearance but you'll improve your health and lifestyle.
- Eat healthily and remember there are fat burning foods that can help you lose weight without following drastic diets.
- Exercise for at least half an hour every day. If you're not a gym bunny, add exercise to your daily habits and try to exercise at home.
- Take a walk, don't use the lift, leave the car parked and do your errands on foot, etc.

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