Beauty secrets

How To Always Look Good In Photos

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How To Always Look Good In Photos

We all like to look good in photos but some people never feel satisfied with the outcome of the image and find it hard to be photogenic. But beyond the physical qualities of each of us, there are many tricks to getting a good picture. Here at, we give some of these suggestions for you to discover how to alwaus look good in photos.

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Steps to follow:


It is true that being photogenic is natural for some people without needing much effort.But for the majority of people, it requires at least a study of the angles and positions that highlight their physique. Therefore, start by looking in the mirror and evaluate which is your best facial angle and the position that highlights the best bits of your body and conceals those parts that you are not proud of.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 1

Always remember that face shape influences the final result when it comes to looking good in a photo. For example if you have jowls or a very round face, pictures taken from below or lying down do not work well for you. However, those taken with a higher angle will make your face look better.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 2

Lifting your face and neck too much won't help you either. To be more photogenic, always lower the face a little to the level of the camera and remember that you should not exaggerate facial gestures (this includes a smile) because the goal is to look good and natural. In order to look good in photos, you need to look effortlessly beautiful, not artificial.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 3

The 3/4 pose is a classic in the world of modeling and this isn't for nothing. This position allows us to look thinner and hide some extra kilos accumulated in areas like the tummy and hips. Remember not to exaggerate, just rotate your body slightly.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 4

If you go to an event where you know you'll be photographed a lot, try to dress in a color that suits you. Makeup is a great ally for hiding skin imperfections and highlighting your most beautiful features. One of the best tricks is to use contouring, which will boost your features amazingly!

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 5

Naturalness is important, so do not force a smile or a pose. If you want to look happy in the picture, think of something that makes you feel happy and immediately this feeling will shine through, helping with your smile.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 6

It seems obvious, but many people overlook it: if you want to always look good in photos, you must learn to look at the camera except for the times when you want to capture a stare out towards the horizon.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 7

Take a digital camera and practice to try and discover your best angle for pictures and those positions that suit you to get the best of you in that picture. Photographs are our records of our past, so being photogenic never hurts.

How To Always Look Good In Photos - Step 8

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How To Always Look Good In Photos