Tips to grow your hair long

How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out?

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 20, 2017
How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out?

You may have heard that frequently trimming your hair will help your hair grow faster. But how long do you have to wait to let your hair grow before you cut it just a few inches to get rid of split ends and the damage your hair has endured during this time.

Though you might like your hair length, your hair-cutting schedule will be different if you actually want to change your hairstyle and go from short to long again. You should also know that trimming your hair is not the only way to make your hair grow faster and healthier, but there are also other factors that will help you get the balance between trimming and growing your hair out. You asked us: how often should I trim my hair if I want to grow it out? At OneHowTo we give you the solution for each type of hair.

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  1. How often to trim your hair according to type of hair
  2. How often to trim dyed hair
  3. Tricks to grow your hair out faster

How often to trim your hair according to type of hair

Going from Lob to long is not the same as having a pixie and wanting lengthy waves, this is obvious. We all want our hair to grow not only fast but as healthy as possible, and still look our best in the process, this is the reason why we cut it, to keep it in the best condition, as the amount of times we cut it does not affect the speed of growth. This is why you should pay attention to the following indications depending on your hair style.

How often to trim short hair to grow it out

If you have short hair and want shoulder-length hair, you have a long way to go. Though you may feel impatient, letting your hair grow for at least 6 months to allow it to grow enough, though you may have to give it a tweak every now and then to re-style it as it grows. Take a look at the tips below to help it grow even faster.

How often to trim medium hair to grow it out

Growing your hair from medium to long won't take that long, though you should know that you should wait from 8 to 12 weeks before getting a trim. If you have layers in your hair, then trim them every 6 weeks maximum to keep the layers looking even.

How often to trim long, layered hair

If you already have long hair but want it even longer, the key is to care for it and simply avoid split ends, cutting it every eight weeks or six weeks if you also have layers and want to maintain them.

How often to trim curly hair to grow it out

Curly and natural hair may be more difficult to dominate and tends to take a little longer to grow. If you have curly and coarse hair, wait for at least 12 weeks before getting a trim, and 8 to 10 weeks if you have fine curls.

Some people believe that cutting your hair according to the moon can influence hair growth. Take a look at our article to learn more about this theory.

How often to trim dyed hair

As we've mentioned previously, the care we give our hair is much more important than the amount of time we spend without trimming it. This even more important if we harm our hair with chemical products such as dyes and coloring or frequently use heat on it by using curlers or straighteners.

If you have dyed hair and want to give it a trim, do so once every 4 to 6 weeks so the tips of your hair don't dry out excessively and you don't end up with frazzled locks.

In addition, make sure your hair stays moist by applying hair masks once a week, take a look at these natural hydrating hair masks to keep it in the best condition.

How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out? - How often to trim dyed hair

Tricks to grow your hair out faster

There are some useful tips that will help your hair grow faster rather than trimming it often. At OneHowTo we'd like to show you how to make your hair grow faster:

  • When applying shampoo, make sure you focus on the scalp, as hair grows from the follicles. Stimulating blood circulation in the scalp by massaging it for several minutes will help the follicles work more efficiently.
  • The food you eat can also help your hair grow healthier and more abundantly, so making sure you get the right amount of vitamins is a priority. Follow a balanced diet rich in vitamin B12 and Vitamin E, and use supplements if you are not getting enough through the food you eat.
  • As well as food, hydrating yourself from the inside and the outside is important too. Drink plenty of water and give your hair some extra moisture by applying avocado hair masks once a week.
  • if you dye your hair often, make sure you lower the amount of times you do so, try to leave an 8 week gap between dyes to let your hair regenerate properly.

For more tips, take a look at our article on how to grow long hair fast naturally.

How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out? - Tricks to grow your hair out faster

If you want to read similar articles to How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out?, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.


  • Remember, the trick to healthy, long hair is to avoid split ends as much as possible, the amount of times you cut it will not affect the speed of growth directly!
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How Often Should I Trim my Hair if I Want to Grow it Out?