Foods for hair growth

How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth

There are many techniques that we can apply to try to accelerate the growth of our hair and have longer hair in less time. However, what really works is to offer the scalp the essential nutrients required for hair follicles to have sufficient oxygen and for hair fibers to be completely renewed. One of the foods that can best perform this function is avocado because it is packed with vitamins, fatty acids and vegetable oils that make hair grow much stronger and in greater abundance. Keep reading this OneHowTo article to know in detail how to use avocado for hair growth.

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  1. Properties of avocado for hair
  2. Egg and avocado face mask
  3. Avocado and coconut oil mask
  4. Other tricks for hair to grow faster

Properties of avocado for hair

The foods and natural products that favor hair growth are those with vitamins and nutrients that hydrate in depth and regenerate all the damaged parts of the hair. In this sense avocado is an ideal fruit to make hair grow strong and healthy, it is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, water and vegetable oils among other things. It has the following benefits attributed to it:

  • Its combination of water, vegetable oils and glycerides makes it perfect to nourish, restore, soften and strengthen hair. This reinforces the hair follicles and thus enables hair to grow faster and healthier.
  • It is an excellent natural remedy for hair that is dry and needs moisture. After application, you may notice that hair becomes much more shiny and silky to the touch.
  • It helps combat frizz and split ends, so the hair will not split so easily and it can grow a few more centimeters in less time.
  • It gives hair a lot more density so you can show off more abundant and beautiful hair.

Besides being excellent for hair care, avocado is also extremely beneficial to improve the appearance of skin. In the following article discover what all the properties of avocado for the skin are.

How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth - Properties of avocado for hair

Egg and avocado face mask

The following homemade hair mask for hair growth links the mentioned benefits of avocado with two of the best natural products to regenerate and repair hair fibers: egg and olive oil. Egg is a source of protein and contains biotin, both are essential nutrients to curb excessive hair loss and instead give it added body and density. Meanwhile, olive oil hydrates from root to tip and allows it to recover from all the damage suffered after being mistreated.


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil


First cut the avocado in half, peel it and then extract the central bone. Then cut it into small pieces and squash it with the help of a fork. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and add only the yolk to the mashed avocado together with the olive oil. Mix all ingredients well until they form a consistent paste.

Apply the mask on slightly damp hair and spread it throughout, thoroughly massage the area of the scalp to penetrate the hair follicles. To maximize its effect, it is best to wrap the hair in a hot towel and leave it on for about 20 or 30 minutes. After this time, remove with warm water and perform a normal wash.

How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth - Egg and avocado face mask

Avocado and coconut oil mask

There are some natural oils that can completely revitalize hair and promote growth. Among the various options we highlight coconut oil. Its success lies in the fact that it makes the scalp as healthy as possible by nourishing to the maximum the hair follicles. Furthermore, as it contains large doses of vitamin E, it prevents hair from ageing and breaking and from lacking enough oxygen to stay strong and radiant. To prepare an avocado and coconut oil mask you must follow the instructions listed below.


  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil


First, heat a little coconut oil in a saucepan. Crush the previously peeled avocado and add warm coconut oil to mix both ingredients.

When the mask is ready, apply it to damp hair from root to tip and leave on for between 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, remove with plenty of water and wash your hair as usual.

How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth - Avocado and coconut oil mask

Other tricks for hair to grow faster

Please note that hair grows on average between 1.2 and 1.5 cm per month, but if you want to accelerate this process and have long hair sooner then you can implement some of the following tips:

  • Brush hair frequently with a natural bristle brush. This simple gesture will stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and cause nutrients to better reach hair.
  • Carry out the final rinse when you wash your hair with cold water, this will not make it grow faster but will seal the cuticles making it make it look brighter and prevent excess damage.
  • Add to your diet foods that are rich in vitamins A, B and C.
  • Avoid overusing hot appliances and when you do use them to shape your hair apply a thermal protector beforehand.
  • Cut off the tips at least every 3 months and think about having a considerable haircut should there be damaged parts, otherwise it will not grow favorably.
How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth - Other tricks for hair to grow faster

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Caroline NKIROTE
nice article!
OneHowTo Editor
Thanks Caroline!
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How to Use Avocado for Hair Growth