
Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon?

Alice T Breeze
By Alice T Breeze, Journalist. Updated: October 7, 2024
Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon?

According to the knowledge given to us by astrology, cutting your hair on different phases of the moon will have an effect on how your hair will grow, both in quality and in speed. Some people even go to the length of predicting the perfect time of day to undergo a haircut. At OneHowTo we want to clarify if it's good to cut your hair on a full moon or not.

You may also be interested in: When to Cut your Hair, According to the Moon
  1. What does cutting your hair on a full moon do?
  2. When to cut my hair to make it grow faster
  3. Moon phases

What does cutting your hair on a full moon do?

To establish if it's good to cut your hair on a full moon you should know that each moon phase will have a different effect on your hair growth according to astrology. Take a look at our article on when to cut your hair according to the moon for more information.

Cutting your hair on a full moon will be good for those of you who want to give your hairstyle a drastic change, as it will slow down hair growth and make it look healthier. It is also a good option for those with very thin hair who want to increase hair volume.

Moreover, it is said that to get the most perfect results, you should cut your hair between 6 in the morning and midday!

Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon? - What does cutting your hair on a full moon do?

When to cut my hair to make it grow faster

If by good you were thinking of faster hair growth, cutting your hair on a full moon is not the best idea. If you just want a small trim then the best time to cut your hair on a First Quarter Moon,as it is said that this moon phase will speed up your hair growth.

You should have your hair cut between midday and 6 in the afternoon.

However, some say that the best time to cut your hair is during a Full Moon, but the lunar chart tells us this is a time that will grow weakened hair fibers and will boost hair loss.

Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon? - When to cut my hair to make it grow faster

Moon phases

As we have previously said, each phase of the moon serves a specific purpose when cutting your hair. Depending on what you want, the several moon phases will be ideal for you. Moreover, it is said that certain times of the year also have an effect on how your hair grows back, for example, it is not advisable to cut your hair during equinoxes and solstices.

Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon? - Moon phases

If you want to read similar articles to Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon?, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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1 comment
Hi, I have one question I want to make my hair more brighter like Scandinavian blond hair, on which moon phase can make my hair more bloody.
Thank you
Alice T Breeze
This won't have any relation to when you cut it. It will only depend on the color dye you purchase. If in doubt, consult a professional hair stylist.
Hope this helps
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Is It Good To Cut Your Hair On A Full Moon?