Pubic hair removal

How to Prevent Itching After Shaving Pubes

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. February 6, 2017
How to Prevent Itching After Shaving Pubes

Measures to prevent itching after shaving pubes include choosing the right moment to shave, exfoliating the area, trimming the hair prior to shaving, using a good and clean razor, and conditioning the area thoroughly.

Actually, there are different reasons why pubes itch when we shave, some of them are avoidable. Preventing itching after shaving pubes can make shaving take longer, but it is absolutely worth it as razon burn can be bothering and embarrassing. Today at oneHOWTO we will tell you all about preventing itching after shaving pubes, and answer your questions regarding: why do my pubes itch when I shave? How long does the itching last after shaving your pubes? How to shave pubes without getting itchy, and how to stop itching after shaving pubes. So, read on to discover how to prevent itching after shaving pubes.

  1. Why do my pubes itch when I shave?
  2. How long does the itching last after shaving your pubes?
  3. How to shave pubes without getting itchy
  4. How to stop itching after shaving pubes

Why do my pubes itch when I shave?

Often pubes itch when you shave because of what is called "razor burn" which is an inflammation around the hair follicle (folliculitis).

Normally, this happens because the pubic hair is thick and the skin is very sensitive, so it is challenging to shave the area without irritating it. Sometimes the razor is not clean enough, or you apply too much pressure, or the shaving lotion you use is not right. There are effective ways to prevent razor burn, and we will discuss them when we will talk about how to prevent itching after shaving pubes.

Another reason you pubes might itch when you shave is ingrown hairs and cuts, which can all be triggered by razor shaving. Again, to some extent, those are preventable.

The third reason your pubes are itchy after shaving is because your hair are growing back, and they have sharp edges. There are a few ways to alleviate itchiness caused by hair re-growth, but not to completely eliminate it.

The forth reason is when itching appears a few days after shaving, when the hair has grown at a length that makes it rub against the underwear. This is the reason why people who trim pubes also experience itching.

Since you now know why you pubes itch when you shave, let's see how to prevent itching after shaving pubes and how to stop itching after shaving pubes addressing all 4 causes of pubes itching.

How long does the itching last after shaving your pubes?

How long does the itching last after shaving your pubes depends on the cause of itching. Razor burn can last 2 to 5 days.

Ingrown hair and cuts can bother you for a few days too, although ingrown hair can itch for much longer if the problem is not addressed.

Itching caused by hair regrowth at sharp angles only lasts 2 or 3 days, while itching caused by hair rubbing against the underwear can last anything between 1 week and 2 weeks, depending on you hair's growth speed.

If itching lasts more than a week, and is accompanied by pimples, white heads, prolonged redness, bad odor and other symptoms, contact you GP.

For all the reasons above, let's see how to prevent itching after shaving pubes.

How to Prevent Itching After Shaving Pubes - How long does the itching last after shaving your pubes?

How to shave pubes without getting itchy

As we mentioned, how to prevent itching after shaving pubes mainly depends on the cause of irritation.

1. To prevent razor burn you should take the following precautions:

  • Never shave before exercising as the salts in the sweat can irritate shaved skin.
  • Exfoliate the pubic area to clean the skin and loosen the hair before starting.
  • Trim the pubic hair as much as you can before shaving so you won't have to pressure too much with the razor. Manual razors can be safer in terms of avoiding cuts.
  • Use a razor that is clean, even sterilized with alcohol, and that is specifically designed for the pubic area. Also make sure your razor is very sharp by changing it as often as possible. Old razors need you to pressure more and go over and over, leading to cuts and bumps, key reasons for pubes itching.
  • Take a warm bath or shower before shaving as it will soften the skin and hair follicles, making shaving easier and smoother, i.e. preventing itching after shaving pubic hair.
  • Never use soap as a moisturizer to shave the pubes, and never dry shave. Use a shaving cream or lotion specific for the pubes (men's shaving foams contain alcohol, so they are not indicated). You can use natural conditioner too. The shaving lotion will create a barrier between the razor and your skin, preventing irritation after shaving pubes.
  • Master your shaving technique: stretch your skin flat to avoid cuts, stand up in the shower with one leg up on the shower wall. To avoid razor burn, shave in the direction of hair growth. Apply the razor with gentle pressure and rinse off the razor after each stroke. Reapply shaving lotion often while shaving. Shave slowly and carefully to prevent itching after shaving pubes.
  • When you have finished shaving, clean the pubic area with a mild detergent, pat (do not rub) with a clean towel and then apply an aloe vera lotion.
  • Clean the razor thoroughly after every shave. Dry it very well as bacteria proliferate in dump environments.
  • Exfoliate the area 2 times a week to prevent itching after shaving pubic hair.

2. To prevent itching after shaving pubes due to ingrown hairs you should shave in the direction of the hair growth, instead of the opposite. While shaving against the hair growth is easier and quicker, it triggers the appearance of ingrown hairs responsible for itching pubes after shaving.

3. To prevent itchiness from hair growing back with sharp angle the only thing you can do is apply a moisturizing lotion specific for the pubic area, so that the hair softens a bit. Other than that, regrowth with sharp angle is unfortunately a side effect of shaving.

4. To prevent itching after shaving pubes due to regrown hair rubbing against the underwear the only thing you can do is shave again as soon as possible. Learn how often you should shave your pubic area.

So now you know all about how to prevent irritation after shaving pubes, but what about when you are already itchy? How to stop itching after shaving pubes? Read on.

How to Prevent Itching After Shaving Pubes - How to shave pubes without getting itchy

How to stop itching after shaving pubes

If you shaved and your pubic area is itching you should first of all buy one of the many over-the-counter creams specific for this problem. The best ones are 1 percent hydrocortisone creams to be applied 2 or 3 times a day.

Also, to reduce irritation after shaving pubes, keep a high level of hygiene by washing your intimate parts frequently with a mild soap, there are some specific ones designed to calm itching.

The best natural home remedies for itchy pubic hair are aloe vera and chamomile, both have calming and anti-bacterial properties.

Wear light color, natural fabrics underwear.

Moreover, do not shave again until you feel itchy. You might want to try other hair removal methods such as waxing and hair removal creams.

If itching persists, consult your doctor.

Now you know all about how to prevent itching after shaving pubes, and how to stop it.

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How to Prevent Itching After Shaving Pubes