Acne Home Remedies

How to Make Soap for Acne

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make Soap for Acne

Many people suffer from skin acne, which is a skin condition that can be mild or severe but is characterized by the appearance of large impurities on the skin and is caused as a result of an excessive presence of sebum in the dermis. In order to help prevent scars from worsening and to prompt the skin to regenerate and heal, it is essential that it receives the care it needs at all times. Your skin also requires a good cleansing routine and good hygiene that includes the use of appropriate products. In this OneHowTo article, we also explain the effectiveness of natural products to improve the skin's condition and we encourage you to cleanse your skin with some totally homemade soap. Read the article below to learn how to make soap for acne.

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  1. The importance of washing acne-prone skin
  2. Aloe vera and lemon soap for acne
  3. Anti-acne soap with tea tree oil and sulphur
  4. How to use anti-acne soaps

The importance of washing acne-prone skin

Daily skin cleansing is a basic for all skin types, but especially so for those who suffer from acne or are prone to developing this skin condition. On many occasions, carrying out a good hygiene routine can significantly reduce spots, pimples, and acne papules, etc., in addition to preventing the emergence of new or severe skin infections.

Cleanliness is especially key to unclogging pores and freeing them from dirt and debris that tend to accumulate, as well as accelerating the release of all skin cells and reducing an excessive amount of grease on the skin. Therefore, it is essential that you set aside a few minutes both at morning and at night to cleanse your skin if you suffer from acne and to remove all facial makeup when you get home.

In cases of really pronounced acne, you will need to visit a dermatologist and follow their instructions regarding the care of your skin.

How to Make Soap for Acne - The importance of washing acne-prone skin

Aloe vera and lemon soap for acne

Aloe vera is one of the best natural products available for treating acne as it deeply cleans the pores, has astringent qualities, and reduces inflammation that can cause this skin condition, as well as helping the dermis to completely regenerate. What's more, lemon is a fruit that contains L-ascorbic acid which helps to dry out pimples faster. Pay attention to this homemade recipe for acne shown below so you can benefit from a thorough cleanse with a soap based on these two ingredients.


  • 2 bars of glycerin soap
  • 1 leaf of aloe vera or aloe
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 120ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons of honey


  1. Place 2 bars of glycerin soap in a microwave-safe bowl and heat them up for about 3 minutes until completely melted.
  2. Cut an aloe vera leaf and, with the help of a knife and a spoon, remove all the pulp.
  3. Add the aloe vera pulp to the container which contains the glycerin, honey, and the freshly squeezed lemon juice from the mixer bowl.
  4. Whisk all the ingredients together and gradually add the olive oil (this is best if it's slightly warm). Continue beating everything together until it is well mixed and you have an even mixture.
  5. Pour it into different silicone molds for soap or, if you prefer, in a single, larger mold.
  6. Place the molds in the refrigerator and leave them to rest for at least 24 hours to solidify and obtain the right consistency. Then, you can cut them and use them to clean your skin.
How to Make Soap for Acne - Aloe vera and lemon soap for acne

Anti-acne soap with tea tree oil and sulphur

Another of the main ways to make soap for acne is made from products like tea tree oil and sulfur. The first is antimicrobial, healing and reduces excessive sebum production in the skin. The second, meanwhile, also reduces grease, prevents the appearance of new impurities and removes all accumulated residue and toxins. Therefore, it is an excellent choice as a cleansing soap.


  • 1 bar of glycerin soap
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 tablespoon of sulfur powder
  • 1 handful of dried lavender flowers, which will give the soap a pleasant aroma.
  • A little petroleum jelly


  1. Melt the glycerin soap bar using a bain marie technique or simply heat it in the microwave until it becomes liquefied.
  2. In a large bowl, pour in the melted glycerin, then add the tablespoon of sulfur, dried lavender flowers and tea tree oil.
  3. Stir all the ingredients with a spatula or whisk in a blender to blend well.
  4. Spread a little petroleum jelly inside in the soap molds and pour the prepared mixture into them.
  5. Place the molds in the refrigerator and leave them to stand for a few hours to solidify. After 1 or 2 days, you can use the soaps.
How to Make Soap for Acne - Anti-acne soap with tea tree oil and sulphur

How to use anti-acne soaps

Once you have your anti-acne soap prepared, it is important that you use it to clean your skin properly and improve your acne. As it's in a bar, you first need to moisten your hands with a little warm water and then take the soap and rub your hands to create foam. Apply this onto slightly damp skin with acne and massage the area with circular movements so that the soap ingredients penetrate well and take effect. Massage continuously for at least 3 to 5 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm or cold water and there you have it!

If you are going to use it on your facial skin, avoid applying it on the eye contour area. It is also inadvisable to use sponges or other utensils to spread the soap, as these may not be entirely clean and could cause skin infections. It's best you do it with clean, sanitized hands.

You can then apply a specific cream or gel for treating acne as sold in pharmacies onto the affected area. These have ingredients in their formula, such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or retinoic acid.

How to Make Soap for Acne - How to use anti-acne soaps

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How to Make Soap for Acne