Acne Home Remedies

Homemade Face Masks for Spots

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
Homemade Face Masks for Spots

Are you tired of having spots on your face? Now you can eliminate them by using natural products that you no doubt have at home. They will help you take care of your skin and reveal a much smoother, uniform skin, whilst removing even the most stubborn dirt. In the following OneHowTo article, you'll discover some of the best homemade masks for spots that you can prepare yourself. The results are as good as, or more effective than conventional treatments. Read on and look after your face without using chemicals or products that are harmful to your skin's health.

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  1. Lemon for acne
  2. Honey for spots
  3. Green clay mask
  4. Aloe vera for spots
  5. Strawberries for acne

Lemon for acne

One of the best ingredients for combatting acne is lemon. It's a fruit that's rich in vitamin C, a component that gives skin the L-ascorbic acid, which is an astringent that helps dry out spots and therefore reduce their appearance on your skin. Furthermore, lemon also acts as a natural bleach so you can tone down any redness or spots caused by acne.

To make this mask for spots, you use a little egg so that it helps smooth the skin. It has a 'lifting' effect, it unifies the tone of the dermis, and it reduces the appearance of scars, pimples or redness that are so typical with spots. So, for the following home recipe you need these ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 egg

First beat the egg white until it forms peaks, then add the lemon juice and mix it together until the mixture is even. Once mixed, all you have to do is apply the paste onto your face, especially on spotty areas. Use some cotton wool to stop it from sliding off.

After 10 minutes, clean your face with cold or warm water (never hot water, because it will dry out your skin) and apply your usual moisturiser. Repeat this process once a week and see how your spots gradually disappear and your facial skin tone evens out.

In this OneHowTo article we detail how to use lemon for acne so that you can discover all the uses of this fruit.

Homemade Face Masks for Spots - Lemon for acne

Honey for spots

Another star ingredient for treating acne is honey, a perfect natural ingredient that's effective at thoroughly cleaning all layers of the dermis, as well as combating dead cells and impurities that may be embedded in the skin. It also acts as a powerful natural moisturizer that encourages the cleansing of impurities, reducing the presence of spots and blackheads.

Honey is a natural antiseptic, rich in antibacterial properties which help reduce the presence of bacteria responsible for infecting the skin, causing spots to appear. Thanks to its cleansing action, the skin is well cleansed, dirt is removed and spots that are already on your skin are reduced. To make this homemade face mask, you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (better if it's organic)

Preparing this treatment is very simple: you just have to mix the two ingredients together and stir it until you see they are well mixed. When they're ready, apply the paste to your face, paying particular attention to any areas where there is acne. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse your skin with warm or cold water.

Repeat this treatment once a week and you will achieve a much smoother, cleaner look for your skin without the presence of unsightly spots. In OneHowTo we explain how to use honey for acne as it has more uses that may be of interest.

Homemade Face Masks for Spots - Honey for spots

Green clay mask

Green clay is one of the best remedies for spots. It is an ideal oily skin treatment as it has antibacterial properties that help cleanse the skin deeply, as well as remove any dirt or bacteria that may be embedded in the skin's pores. It also has a great absorption capacity that makes it perfect for controlling greasy skin, which also tends to cause spots.

This type of clay also has an antiseptic effect which helps fight germs that may be on your face, preventing the emergence of new spots or skin blemishes. To make this homemade mask for spots you just need:

  • 2 tablespoons of green clay
  • 3 tablespoons water

Mix both ingredients together until you get a thick paste that you'll use for your mask. Before applying it to your face, cleanse your skin with your usual cleansing gel to remove any residue. Then, apply the mask you've prepared with the help of a brush, your hands or cotton wool. Leave the areas around your eyes and mouth clear.

Once you've applied the paste, leave it on for 20 minutes. You'll feel the clay drying on your skin until you find it difficult to make facial movements. This is normal, don't worry. Once you've left it on for the recommended time, wash the mask off with warm water until it's completely clean. Then you just have to apply your regular moisturiser and repeat this procedure once a week. You'll see results!

Homemade Face Masks for Spots - Green clay mask

Aloe vera for spots

Another of the best allies for acne is aloe or aloe vera. This medicinal plant is one of the best options and it is ideal for combating spots whilst achieving a more balanced skin tone, that is cleaner without any shine. It has an astringent effect, so it controls grease and also has regenerative properties which allow the skin to heal faster.

To make this mask for spots, it is best to cut a piece of the natural plant and prepare the sap that is inside for use in the mask recipe below. You'll need:

  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 leaf of aloe

First, scoop out all of the contents from inside the aloe vera leaf and place into a bowl or container. Then mix them together with the other ingredients until blended. Apply it to your face and leave it to act for 10 minutes.

Finally, rinse it off with cold or warm water and then apply your usual moisturizer. Repeat this process once a week and, over time, you will notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin. In OneHowTo we give you more details as to how to use aloe vera for acne.

Homemade Face Masks for Spots - Aloe vera for spots

Strawberries for acne

Finally, here's another ingredient that is perfect for treating spots: strawberries. This type of fruit is suitable for treating greasy skin and skin which has a tendency to suffer from acne. This is because it offers a salicylic effect which absorbs grease, cleanses impurities and eliminates dead cells in the skin. In addition, the antioxidants in these fruits repair the skin by reducing scars or acne blemishes considerably.

To make this homemade mask, you just need to take a handful of ripe strawberries, place them in a bowl and flatten them with a wooden spoon until you achieve a puree. Then apply this paste to your face, especially in the affected areas, and leave it to act for 15 minutes.

After this time, remove the mask and use your usual moisturiser. By repeating this twice a week, this beauty treatment will improve your skin and you'll achieve a perfect result.

Homemade Face Masks for Spots - Strawberries for acne

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Homemade Face Masks for Spots