Makeup for oily skin

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin

If you face has an oily T-zone (forehead nose and chin) but is dry in other areas, such as your cheeks and eye area, you most certainly have combination skin. As you will know, providing the necessary care for every skin type and using suitable lotions is necessary for beautiful and radiant skin. The same applies to make-up; you need to select very good products for a beautiful finish and to banish shine in minutes. Take note of the following tips and tricks and discover how to apply make-up to combination skin.

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Steps to follow:


First of all: clean your face

For make-up to stay perfect and to prevent cosmetics that you apply to your face from causing damage to your skin or from leading to impurities, it is vital that your skin is completely clean beforehand. Before you start, you will also need to choose products that are suitable for combination skin. Go for those that help to combat oiliness and shine from oily areas and which will, on the other hand, provide the necessary moisture to the drier parts.

Here are the steps you should take to clean combination skin and keep it looking radiant and beautiful.

  • The first step is to wash the face with a specialised facial cleanser for this skin type. Ones to look out for are those with an aqueous base and that are a gel. These leave skin fresh without stimulating the excessive production of sebum. You should avoid aggressive, very oily or creamy soaps. Micellar water is an incredible option for all skin types, including comination skins. To find out more about this incredible product, read out article on how to use micellar water.
  • Next, refresh your skin and close pores by using a good facial tonic. Use a gentle tonic, without alcohol and with purifying effects. Apply it with a cotton pad and gently dab over your face.
  • Finally, moisturise your skin using an oil-free moisturiser and with an antiseptic and soothing formula. If you choose anti-aging lotions, look for those which contain vitamin C as they are effective in preventing premature sagging common in individuals with combination skin types.
  • One usefl tip is to prevent using hot water when rinsing your face beause this tends to cause more dryness in the non-oily areas. It's best to remove the facial gel using lukewarm or cold water.
How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 1

Foundation is the key

Let's start with the most basic and important make-up product: foundation. We know that finding the right foundation can be complicated, but if you follow these tips, it shouldn't be too difficult. Make-up foundations suitable for this type of skin are those with a light and fresh consistency and that provide good coverage and hydration. Liquid and matte foundations without any added oils are ideal as they help to combat excess shine in the T-zone.

When applying it, use a damp sponge or a make-up brush. Avoid using your fingertips as they could exacerbate the excess shine on your face.

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 2

After the foundation, aim to minimise excess grease and shine on the T-zone by applying a light dusting of translucent powder. These will also provide a beautiful finish and will even out your skin tone, leaving a beautful, radiant finish. As is the case with oily skin tones, you need only to apply to the forehead, cheeks and nose. Mineral powders with a matte finish are preferable. Simply apply a light coating to the T-zone with a thick brush.

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 3

In combination skin types, eyelids are also prone to grease build-up which can, over time, lead to unsightly, shiny lids. For this reason, eyeshadow powder is recommended. Avoid creamy textures that cause facial shine as they will only exacerbate the problem.

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 4

If you're looking for long-lasting make-up that stays perfect all day long, we suggest using eyeliners and mascaras that are waterproof. This means that your make-up will stay in place even if your eyelids do become oily. This is a neat little trick that can be invaluable if you have an important event to attend, e.g. an important dinner, a wedding, a communion, a cocktail party, etc.

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 5

So, now you know all the tips and tricks when it comes to applying make-up to combination skin. As side note, although this is not a make-up tip in itself, we recommend using thermal water, an ideal product with many benefits that can be used to set your make-up, preventing dehydration and also soothing the skin. Spray a small amount onto your face when you have finsihed applying your make-up. Your skin will be left velvety smooth.

How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin - Step 6

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How to Apply Make-Up to Combination Skin