How Long Does Indigo Dye Last - How to Make Indigo Last Longer

How long does Indigo hair dye last? Indigo dye is permanent, but the color of Indigo colored hair can be more or less strong, and the intensity can last more or less according to the type and color of hair, and the procedure you followed for applying Indigo.
How to make indigo last longer? It is recommended to store indigo properly to make it last longer. Also, indigo should be applied as a second layer hair dye, after henna, and should be left on the hair for several hours, in order to last longer.
Are you thinking of using Indigo hair dye but you do not know how long it will last? Or maybe you tried using Indigo hair dye on your hair but you want it to last longer? In this OneHowTo article we will help you solve your Indigo related problems. Indigo is a very ancient dyeing natural product. It has been used to dye hair and clothes for thousands of years. Your blue jeans, for example, are probably Indigo dyed. Indigo, like mehndi or henna, has the advantage of being completely natural, because it comes from a plant, and is a valuable natural alternative to hair dye. So you can be sure you do no harm to your hair, while still getting a beautiful black color.
In this OneHowTo article we will learn learn how long Indigo dye lasts and give you a few tips on how to make Indigo last longer.
Why use Indigo
First of all, as we said, you should use Indigo dye become, coming from a plant, it dyes hair black but it is very mild on your hair and doesn´t create the damage that a normal dye would. The advantage Indigo has on henna is that it dyes your hair black. Henna can never make your hair black, while Indigo dye can range between dark brown to deep black, or even blueish black.
The only thing you need to be careful about is to buy a 100% natural Indigo, or Indigofera tinctoria, because some products on the market are called "Indigo" but they contain PPD, which is a chemical component that damages your hair. Sometimes, Indigo is marketed as "black henna", and is often confused with katam, because many people still don´t know Indigo. Black henna can also be a dangerous mix, learn how to spot it.

How long does Indigo hair dye last
Indigo is a permanent hair dye. However, different kinds of hair can react differently to it. For example, blonde or grey hair need several Indigo application before you get your desired blackish color. Dark hair, however, will immediately become deep black.
Being a permanent hair dye, it is not a good idea to experiment with it if you don´t know which hair color you want, or if you want your hair dye not to last for long.
It is not only the hair color that affects the permanence of Indigo. The type of hair is also important. More porous hair will get a permanent color from the first application. People who have less porous hair sometimes complain that the black fades away after a few weeks, which leads them to think that Indigo hair dye does not last for long. Even considering the different results Indigo can give, we can still say that Indigo is a permanent hair dye. In fact, after a few applications, it will become permanent for any hair type.
Do you think that´s a good news? Well, it is, for your hair. But not for your carpet! When you decide to dye your hair with Indigo hair dye you should always be careful and bear in mind it is permanent on anything, not just on your hair. Wear old clothes you do not care about and cover everything with plastic or newspaper before you start playing with Indigo.
Another factor that can influence how long Indigo dye lasts is the way you apply it to your hair. You have to dye your hair correctly if you want Indigo to last long. Below, we give you a few tips on how to make Indigo last longer.

How to make Indigo last longer
To make indigo last longer, you have to store it correctly, apply it together with henna, and let it sit on your hair for many hours.
First of all, after you buy Indigo, you must not open it until you want to use it, and you must store it in a dry, dark place if you want it to last longer. This way, it keeps as a powder and lasts longer on your hair.
Now, here is what you´ll need in order to dye your hair with Indigo and make it last longer:
- Shampoo
- Henna
- Water
- Indigo
- Salt
1. On the day you want to dye your hair with Indigo, wash it with shampoo.
2. Then, it is very important that you apply a first layer of henna on your hair following the instructions written on your henna kit. For perfect results, leave henna on you hair for 4 to 6 hours.
3. Wash away the henna with water only.
4. Now, and only now, you prepare the Indigo mixture following the instructions written on the box. Add a teaspoon of salt to the mixture, it will make it last longer on your hair. Wait about 10 minutes, until you see a purple-blue glaze on top of the mixture. Now your Indigo is ready.
5. Apply on your hair quickly as it looses its power with time. If the mixture is too dry you can add an egg, it will be easier to apply. After you apply the Indigo hair dye to your hair, you have to leave it on for one hour.
6. Then, wash it with water only. In order to make Indigo last longer, it is very important that you do not wash your hair for the following 3 days. You will see your hair becoming darker and darker as the days pass.
Tip: for stronger, healthier looking hair, why don´t you try mixing Indigo with Cassia or Amla powder?
Now, your hair is black! Repeat a few times if you think your color is not dark enough. How long will Indigo last? If you follow our instructions to the letter, it will be permanent, but you can always repeat the process 2 or 3 times if you want to make Indigo last longer.

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