Natural healthy hair

How to Make Mehndi Paste for Hair

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: January 20, 2017
How to Make Mehndi Paste for Hair

People have been using mehndi, also known as henna, for making their hair naturally beautiful for centuries. Mehndi or henna will allow you to get different shades, but if you are trying to get a dark color naturally, you should consider using Indigo hair dye. Mehndi not only colors your hair, but also conditions it and gives it an immense sheen. It is a wonderful herb that is laden with healing properties, due to which it is effective in healing any wounds or bumps commonly caused due to itching, scratching or dandruff. Now that you are aware of the so many benefits of applying mehndi to hair, this article will tell you how to make mehndi paste for hair.

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  1. Make the mehndi powder first
  2. Making the mehndi paste
  3. Making mehndi oil for maximum benefits

Make the mehndi powder first

Most of the mehndi powder packets available in the market contain a few chemicals and preservatives. If you want to learn how to know if henna is natural, read our tutorial. They irritate the scalp of most people, because of which it is better to make mehndi powder at home. All you need is to pluck a few fresh mehndi leaves from a nearby plant and get going. Make sure that the leaves you have harvested are free from twigs.

Keep them in a bowl and let them dry out in the sun. Keep them in the sun until they become as crisp as chips. This may take a few days. Now take these dried leaves and grind them in a mixer. Start with a bigger jar, and then transfer them in the smaller one. By doing this, you will be able to make the finest of powder which will not feel fibery in the paste. Store this powder in an air tight container, and make sure that it does not touch water until you are ready to make the paste.

How to Make Mehndi Paste for Hair - Make the mehndi powder first

Making the mehndi paste

Take an iron vessel, pour 4 tbsp of the mehndi powder in it, and mix some tea decoction as per the desired consistency. Let the mixture sit overnight. In the morning, add 2 egg whites in it, and apply on your dry scalp. Make sure that your hair is clean and shampooed and not oiled. Cover your scalp with a shower cap and leave for 2 hours. Before it gets completely dry, rinse with warm water. Now dry your hair and apply oil to let the color seal overnight. Next morning, wash the hair and do not forget to condition. You can use Henna Shampoo to wash your hair. Find its recipe here. After that, let your hair dry naturally without using a blow drier.

How to Make Mehndi Paste for Hair - Making the mehndi paste

Making mehndi oil for maximum benefits

This mehndi oil recipe for hair is highly effective in reducing hair decay and promoting hair growth. All you will need are henna leaves, mustard oil and lemon extract. Take 200 ml mustard oil, add some henna leaves to it and boil the mixture. Keep boiling until the leaves get completely boiled in the oil. Keep aside, let it cool and come down to room temperature, and store in an air tight container. Apply this oil on your scalp regularly. Whenever you apply this oil, add a lemon extract in it. This will improve your hair growth and reduce hair loss.

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How to Make Mehndi Paste for Hair