Having healthy hair

How to use Onion for Hair Growth

By Sara . Updated: September 5, 2017
How to use Onion for Hair Growth

Hair plays a very important part of our identity. Healthy long hair immediately boosts our confidence. So, we often apply chemical and natural methods to maintain our hair in a good condition. One of the most effective natural ingredients which promotes hair growth is onion. One of the main minerals for hair growth is sulfur which is found abundantly in onion. Along with hair growth, onion is a potent remedy for hair loss.

In this oneHOWTO article we will know how to use onion for hair growth.

You may also be interested in: How to Remove The Smell of Onion From Your Hair
  1. How does onion help hair grow?
  2. Onion Juice
  3. Onion and Honey
  4. Onion Juice and Rum
  5. Onion Juice and Coconut oil for hair growth

How does onion help hair grow?

According to a study published in the journal of Dermatology[1], the application of onion juice during a period of two months can improve hair re-growth in both men an women who suffer from Alopecia areata. This is a disease that creates patchy hair loss; which is why these remedies will only work for those who suffer from this disease.

This type of remedy will not work for example, if you are determined for your beard hair to appear. If you do have alopecia areata that affects your beard, you can take a look at our article on how to stimulate beard growth with onion.

Onion Juice

Freshly made onion juice is the most potent. So, take some onions and peel them. Then cut it in four sections. Add it to a juicer or blender and collect the juice in a small bottle or bowl.

You can also blend the onion in a blender or food processor. Then strain the mixture through a smooth muslin cloth so that you can collect the juice in a bowl or bottle.

Before applying onion juice directly on the scalp test it on a small area to test whether you are allergic to it or not. If you are not allergic to the onion juice then apply it on your scalp and massage it lightly. This will help to absorb the juice along with stimulating the hair follicle. Leave it for 15 - 30 minutes and then wash it.

Onion and Honey

Take a tablespoon of honey and mix it with ¼ cup of onion juice. Mix both to make a paste. Then apply the paste onto your scalp and leave it for at least 30 minutes. If you are applying it at night then cover your head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. Rinse it off in the morning for silky smooth hair.

How to use Onion for Hair Growth - Onion and Honey

Onion Juice and Rum

For people who hate the smell of onion, the onion juice and rum method is the best option. Chop an onion and soak it into a glass of rum overnight. The next day remove the onion pieces by straining the mixture. The liquid concoction achieved should be massaged on the scalp and then rinsed after 30 minutes or an hour. You can also rinse your hair with the onion juice and rum concoction after washing it.

How to use Onion for Hair Growth - Onion Juice and Rum
Image: bebeautiful

Onion Juice and Coconut oil for hair growth

Coconut oil is known for its cosmetic benefits. When the juice of onion is mixed with coconut oil it becomes a potent mixture to promote hair growth.

Combine the juice of onion with coconut oil and then apply it on your scalp and hair. This mixture also nourishes the hair. You can replace the coconut oil with olive oil or you can add olive oil to the coconut oil and onion juice mixture for extra benefit.

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How to use Onion for Hair Growth - Onion Juice and Coconut oil for hair growth

If you want to read similar articles to How to use Onion for Hair Growth, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

  1. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1346-8138.2002.tb00277.x/full
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I have been struggling with extreme shedding for a few years now and have lost several layers worth of hair, it's extremely depressing to get out of the shower and see bare spots in the mirror, I have tried a variety of things to deal with this. Apple cider vinegar (no luck), coconut oil (no luck, but I have been using it again for the past two months) changing my diet, exercising, taking supplements and scalp massages (all of which have had limited success and fleeting at that), castor oil and avocado oil (no luck) switching to sulfate, paraben free shampoo and conditioners, hair masks and a balm... And even deep conditioning with a combination of conditioners, oils and the hair mask (this actually gave me hope, until I washed with a tea tree shampoo and conditioner).

I read about onion oil, onion juice and just rubbing onion on your scalp and hair, for hair growth. Well, while I do have onions I do not have a juicer or a blender, not even a cheese cloth in the house... So I opted to order some onion oil, while I'm waiting for it to get here, I did the onion rub twice (yesterday and the day before) I just cannot rid myself of the smell of onions! I have shampooed several times in between the onion rubs and after the second one, yet I can't touch my scalp without my hands smelling of extremely strong onion, what can I do to rid myself of the smell?

Oh just two days and I feel like it's helping, but two days before I did the first onion rub, I tried peppermint oil, and the day before I did the first rub I tried cinnamon oil, I am also currently using Softee's Indian Hemp scalp and hair treatment, I also applied coconut oil after the onion rub (the first one), deep conditioned with paraben free with a combination of several strengthening and nourishing conditioners, and continuing scalp massages and added inversion to also help improve circulation. My scalp feels much fuzzier, yet I can't shake the smell of onions from it!
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Sahara,

We have an article on how to remove the smell of onions from your hair: https://beauty.onehowto.com/article/how-to-remove-the-smell-of-onion-from-your-hair-532.html

Hope this helps!
Onion has anti bacterial properties which will heal scalp infections and it promotes hair growth and nourished hair. Onion juice for hair growth is highly recommended.
Image: bebeautiful
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How to use Onion for Hair Growth