How Do You Get Cara Delevingne Eyebrows - Cara Delevingne Eyebrows Tutorial
Cara Delevingne eyebrows are the latest trend in eyebrow styling, and many of us would like to know how to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows. We spent years trying to make our eyebrows thinner, and now, all of a sudden we want power eyebrows! It is not surprising, since looking at Cara you immediately realize how thick eyebrows can really shape a face and give it a all new, effortlessly cool, framed look. While every face is different, and thick, dark eyebrows would look unnatural if your eyebrows are not naturally full, you can still learn some tricks to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows. So, follow our Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial we offer you today on oneHOWTO.
Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial: wild eyebrows
Cara Delevingne already answered a number of questions regarding her eyebrows such as: how thick are Cara Delevingne eyebrows, why are Cara Delevingne eyebrows so dark, and indirectly, how do you get Cara Delevingne eyebrows. Her secret is... her eyebrows are naturally super thick, full, and dark. She even confessed she has a monobrow if she does not do a bit of plucking!
Her suggestion for getting Cara Delevingne eyebrows is simply to leave your brows wild, free, and full, using minimal plucking to shape them and get rid of the monobrow.
While every girl who would like to achieve Cara's style eyebrows should follow her tip, this how to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows suggestion is enough for people with already thick and full eyebrows. For the rest of us, it takes more than that to get Cara's eyebrows, so follow the next steps of our Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial.
Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial step by step: how to draw Cara Delevingne eyebrows
Here is how you can create Cara Delevingne style eyebrows at home. You will only need basic make up equipment to doit, but remember to keep it natural and not overdo your eyebrows. Follow these simple steps to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows:
- brush your eyebrows with a clean mascara brush and try to brush towards the external part of your face
- find out your arch ideal shape: Cara's arch starts exactly where her eye ends, for example.
- tweeze a few brows underneath, if needed, but really just a few
- get a pencil that is slightly lighter than your eyebrows color and fill in the gaps in your brows by drawing short strokes of color in the same direction as your hair grows, on the all length of your eyebrows, starting from the internal part and following the shape of your brows. Again, keep it minimal, you want to make your eyebrows fuller, not look like Frida Kahlo!
- You also have the option of filling in your brows with a cream like product for eyebrows. They are widely available on the market and they make the eyebrow look more natural
- cover the eyebrows lightly with a eye-shadow of the same color as your eyebrow. It will mask the pencil
- use a light eye-shadow for underneath the arch of your eyebrows to make the eyebrows look more defined
Tip: if your eyebrows are thick but not dark, you can brush them with a brown mascara. In fact, the peculiarity of Cara Delevingne eyebrows is that they are so dark, although she is blonde.
Most importantly, if you want to create Cara Delevingne eyebrows keep in mind how thick and dark Cara Delevingne eyebrows are. If yours are much thinner and lighter, do not try to make them look like Cara's, or you will risk looking unnatural and artificial. For other, more professional ways of getting Cara Delevingne eyebrows, check out the next paragraphs.
If you like Cara's eyebrows, you might also be interested in styling your hair like another cool, bad girl, Kristen Stewart.
Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial: how do you get Cara Delevingne eyebrows with professional help
If your eyebrows are very light and scarce, your best bet for achieving Cara Delevingne style eyebrows is getting professional help. You have 2 options:
- Eyebrows extensions: they work similarly to hair extensions. You need to go to a specialised saloon where they will apply tiny artificial hair to your eyebrows area. If you want to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows, they will first dye your brows, and then apply the artificial hair with a glue-like material. It will cost around 200 to 400 dollars and it will last up to one month.
- Microblading: this is a technique similar to eyebrows tattooing, but the effect is much more natural. With the help of a blade, a professional will draw mini strokes on your eyebrows area. The price is the same as eyebrows extensions, but it is permanent. The eyebrows will look full and defined, like Cara's!
Cara Delevingne eyebrows tutorial: the natural, diy method
If you do not like artificial looking eyebrows, but you still want to get Cara Delevingne eyebrows, there are a few steps you can take at home:
- strictly no thread or wax for several weeks
- apply a hair growth stimulant for eyebrows at night, it can be coconut oil, if your don't want chemicals
- pluck some of your hairs to give the eyebrows a shape. Do it only after you got your original full shaped eyebrows back
Our last suggestion, if you want to know how do you get Cara Delevingne eyebrows, is: get the eyebrows that are good for your face, That is actually Cara Delevingne's secret. Her eyebrows look natural. So, your best bet for getting Cara Delevingne eyebrows might well be: do as little as possible!
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