Tattoo designs

What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: August 2, 2020
What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings

A mandala tattoo has a spiritual and religious meaning. The mandala is a spiritual symbol found in both Buddhism and Hinduism. "Mandala" is a Sanskrit word meaning "circle". The diagram is loaded with symbols and most often colored. It often represents a lotus flower, although its motifs and significance are wider. Before you get a mandala tattoo, we recommend that you draw it yourself, as this will give you a unique and personalized tattoo. Keep on reading this oneHOWTO article if you'd like to know what a mandala tattoo means.

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  1. What is a mandala tattoo?
  2. What is the origin of the mandala?
  3. The mandala tattoo's meaning
  4. Mandala tattoo meanings according to their color

What is a mandala tattoo?

Definition of mandala

A mandala is a circle around which symmetrical patterns gravitate, often square or triangular-shaped. It recalls the natural structure of flowers, but also the fractal patterns found throughout nature. Mandala means circle and by extension sphere, community, world. The sphere is omnipresent in the universe: atoms, planets, etc.

But this drawing does not only have an aesthetic or symbolic role: it is a tool for meditation. It allows the monk or tattoo artist to develop his creativity, his concentration and - for some - to find inner harmony.

The Tibetan mandala

The mandala is a sacred object in Tibet. Buddhists draw for hours a mandala with sand or colorful rice before erasing the drawing: the ritual symbolizes the impermanence of all things and the ephemeral character of existence. Everything is born, grows and dies one day. The mandala, which requires a considerable effort, patience and concentration unparalleled, eventually disappear and mingle with the air. Nothing lasts, everything changes.

The mandala is also found in civilizations:

  • Hinduism
  • Buddhists
  • Arabic
  • Celtic
  • Sufi
  • Native Americans
  • Etc.

The Mandala in Psychoanalysis

Carl Jung thought that the tormented unconscious could spontaneously generate mandalas in dreams. The practice of the mandala (that is to say the action of drawing it) brings a consolation to the resting soul through which many were cured. Scientifically, the experiment is explained by the fact that the two hemispheres of the brain - right and left - are in communion during the drawing. The union of the hemispheres then produces a vibratory change and a feeling of appeasement. The mandala refocuses on the present moment and promotes access to the voice of the middle ground, the cornerstone of all Oriental civilizations. The mandala sometimes integrates the Ying and the Yang.

What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings - What is a mandala tattoo?

What is the origin of the mandala?

The origin of the mandala is lost in the depths of the ages. Some claim that the Big Bang, the very origin of the world, is the original mandala. The mandala was used by architects of ancient times to build temples, sacred gardens and important buildings. In the old European cities you will find fountains which, seen from above, resemble mandalas. The mandala is reminiscent of the rosettes in stained glass that are found in churches.

The Benefits of a Mandala

  • It is fun to color and draw (like when we were kids)
  • Develops creativity and intuition
  • Develops concentration
  • Helps refocus on yourself
  • Helps you be mindful and be in the moment
  • Feel the perfect union of the world with oneself

The mandala acts differently from one person to another, but thanks to its "magic" influence, the person who practices it gets a certain feeling of growth.

What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings - What is the origin of the mandala?

The mandala tattoo's meaning

The mandala represents the cycle of life. It is a metaphor for human existence: the center represents the inner self, while the motives that gravitate around represent the meanders of life. The mandala prompts the wearer to reconnect to his or her source. The world must gravitate around you, not the other way round. The movement of thoughts and actions must be from the center to the outside, not the reverse. The mandala symbolizes the individual at the center of his existence, refocused on himself and in harmony with the world.

Mandala tattoo meanings according to their color

Each color mandala has its own meaning and its own healing power:

  • Red: symbol of vigor and ardor. Integrate this color to fight laziness and work on your personal projects.
  • Black: symbol of reflection. Black is the color of individuality or one who needs time to rethink and redirect his life.
  • White: symbol of harmony and communion with the Divine Spirit or the Energy of the universe.
  • Yellow: a symbol of clairvoyance and serenity.
  • Blue: symbol of intuition, tenderness and femininity.
  • Green: symbol of mother earth and growth.
  • Orange: symbol of joyful energy and renunciation of baseness.
  • Violet: a symbol of childish fulfillment and wonder.
  • Brown: a symbol of hope and enthusiasm for the future.

How to make a mandala

Before you get a mandala tattoo, try this: take colored pencils, draw a circle and create your own symmetrical patterns around it. No need to use a compass or to be a drawing pro. Draw shapes that come past your head and let your intuition choose for you colors and shapes. The tattoo artist will then reproduce your mandala precisely. You can also print mandalas to color in through Google Images.

What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings - Mandala tattoo meanings according to their color

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What Does a Mandala Tattoo Mean - All Possible Meanings