Burning fat naturally

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 15, 2021
How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home

A sedentary lifestyle accompanied by a high fat and sugar diet will soon catch up to anyone. Have you suddenly started to notice increased weight gain and fat accumulation on your belly, legs or bum? When it comes to losing weight or getting in shape, nothing beats the benefits of a healthy, wholesome diet and exercise. However, if you’re wanting to speed up this process, you can opt for homemade fat burning creams.

For more about how to make fat burning creams at home, keep reading here at oneHOWTO. Not only will we include 4 DIY fat burning creams, but we’ll also be discussing additional ways you can lose weight in a healthy and cheap way.

You may also be interested in: Make a Fat Burning Cream with Vicks
  1. Fat burning creams: how do they work?
  2. Caffeine cream for weight loss
  3. Fat burning cream with vicks
  4. Fat burning cream with white iodine
  5. Homemade slimming massage oil
  6. Tummy cream with fat burning

Fat burning creams: how do they work?

Before you try these DIY fat burner creams, know that they are not a magic potion. They will help to reduce fat on the belly area, but you will still need diet and exercise to do most of the work. These belly fat burning creams are a supplemental product which can help assist you in your weight loss program.

Fat burning or slimming creams work by increasing blood flow to the applied area. This then helps the body to dissolve accumulated fat deposits which have led to an unwanted volume in certain areas of the body. Fat burning creams and oils also contain certain substances that produce a cold sensation when applied. This cold stimulates lymphatic drainage and tightens skin tissue.

If you apply this such fat burning cream frequently whilst also following a healthy diet with regular exercising, your figure will appear visibly trimmer. Additionally, you’ll also benefit from tighter, smoother and more radiant skin. These creams work better on problem areas, where fat buildup is more noticeable, such as around the tummy, under the arms and around the face or chin. These creams can be useful in both toning and slimming down.

For more, read how to do a fat burning workout.

Caffeine cream for weight loss

Caffeine is incredibly beneficial for those wanting to lose weight around some problem areas. Coffee helps to burn fat in body areas such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. But, how? When used topically, caffeine boosts blood circulation, directly attacking fat deposits thereby effectively dissolving them. In addition, caffeine it reduces cellulite and firms the skin. Make a caffeine fat burning cream at home by following these simple steps:


  • 1/2 cup ground coffee
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 3/4 cup of olive oil


Mix all three ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth paste. Apply the fat burning coffee cream your chosen area and massage gently in circular movements. Then, leave for 20 minutes to sit on skin.

Some believe that caffeine fat burning creams only work temporarily and this is why you should apply it as part of a larger weight loss program. Results will sky rocket when accompanied by healthy diet and regular exercise.

For more, read how coffee will get rid of cellulite.

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home - Caffeine cream for weight loss

Fat burning cream with vicks

Fat burning cream with vicks is incredibly effective. This cold/hot effect on the skin boosts blood circulation, firms skin tissue and breaks up stored fat. Vicks Vaporub is a mentholated ointment traditionally used to improve colds and respiratory problems. These ingredients tighten the skin and prevent it from sagging. With the addition of camphor, an organic compound, it increasessweat release, thereby eliminating toxins. Learn how to make fat burning cream with vicks and camphor here:


  • 8 tablespoons of Vicks Vaporub
  • 3 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • Half a camphor tablet


Crush the tablet and add the Vicks Vaporub, alcohol and soda. Mix all the ingredients together and store the cream in a lidded container for a couple of days. Apply as you would with fat burning coffee cream, wrapping the area with plastic film and leaving for at least 20 minutes.

For more, read make a fat burning cream with vicks.

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home - Fat burning cream with vicks

Fat burning cream with white iodine

White iodine or colorless iodine can considerable firm skin when included in a fat burning cream. This is mainly thanks to iodine metabolism-boosting effects which burn excess fat. To make this fat burning cream, make sure you buy white iodine for external use, which can be found in pharmacies. Regular iodine should be avoided as it can leave a rust colored stain when rubbed onto skin. Follow these tips to make this tummy cream with fat burning elements:


  • 2 tablespoons of your regular firming cream
  • 1 tablespoon white iodine
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera


Mix all of the ingredients together until you get a smooth texture. Apply to the desired area (tummy, arms, face) and massage firmly in circular motions with your knuckles until it is completely absorbed.

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home - Fat burning cream with white iodine

Homemade slimming massage oil

This fat burning cream works effectively, mainly thanks to the cooling effect created by the eucalyptus oil, which smooths and tightens skin. Aloe Vera benefits are also great for firming, toning and treating skin conditions such as stretch marks. Keep reading to discover how to make this cream to flatten stomach:


  • 150 ml body cream
  • 1 aloe vera leaf or aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 cup eucalyptus oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon


Mix the moisturizing cream in a bowl with the aloe vera gel. Stir and then add eucalyptus and lemon juice. Mix again and then apply. Massage in circular motions on the stomach, arms or any other body part until completely absorbed.

Read, how to use Aloe Vera to lose weight.

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home - Homemade slimming massage oil

Tummy cream with fat burning

You can apply all of these homemade creams to areas of the body which are more prone to fat accumulation, e.g. the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, etc. For the best results, we recommend the following:

  • Apply the slimming cream twice a day, both morning and evening.
  • Massage using circular motions when you apply it and apply considerable pressure in order to mobilize fat deposits.
  • Always apply to clean skin to ensure it is fully absorbed.
  • To enhance the fat-burning effect of these creams, wrap the area with plastic film after applying them and leave for about 20 minutes.

Remember that you should also follow a healthy diet and incorporate physical exercise to notice results. Doing so will help you to lose weight and get rid of this stubborn localized fat.

How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home - Tummy cream with fat burning

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home, we recommend you visit our Weight & image category.

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What did you think of this article?
Bobbie j thomas
Send me some can afford.i need help loss belly fat can you help
Great recipe for fat loss
Donna Muir
hi...I made up the white iodine cream solution, however the smell of the iodine was so strong and unpleasant that I never applied it to my skin. Any suggestions?

Wow, Nice Blog! I read your blog carefully and I appreciate you to share this useful information about fat burning gel. But some questions are coming in my mind after reading your post. Can you please clear that? There is no side effect of this fat burning gel?
OneHowTo Editor

Unless you have allergies there shouldn't be side effects. You will need to be careful about general hygiene as it can clog your pores.
what can i use instead of olive oil ?
Hey, coconut oil will likely work, you'll want to melt it probably, it is really good for your skin and helpful in weight loss.
Can we store it?
Jane Bertin (oneHOWTO editor)
It depends on which one you're making. Olive oil is a natural preservative, and aloe vera gel can last for a long time. In any case, store them in a cool, dark place or even the refrigerator.
tried out the slimming cream with vicks, let you know how it went
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How to Make Fat Burning Cream at Home