Facial masks

How to Make an Egg and Yogurt Face Mask

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: November 14, 2024
How to Make an Egg and Yogurt Face Mask

Yogurt has many properties that we can use in our homemade beauty treatments. Some of the properties of yogurt include being a great antibacterial and having notable nourishing powers: combined with other ingredients, yogurt is an ideal face mask ingredient for many skin types, from sensitive to oily.

In this oneHOWTO article we'll explain how to make an egg and yogurt face mask.

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Steps to follow:


An egg and yogurt face mask is perfect to hydrate your skin while preventing pimples and spots. Therefore, it's a perfect choice no matter your skin type. Another big argument in favor of this homemade mask is that it's made with very common ingredients that are probably already waiting for you in your fridge. There are many benefits of egg in beauty treatments, besides having many vitamins and being very good for our diet.

To make a homemade egg and yogurt face mask you'll need a cup of plain yogurt (remember not to use a flavored one or one with added sugars) and two eggs. Get a suitable container to mix the ingredients in.

  1. Before you start preparing the mask you'll have to separate the yolk from the white, which is possibly the most complicated part of preparing the treatment.
  2. Once you have the white, you can begin the recipe. Mix the two egg whites with tablespoons of plain yogurt until both ingredients are well blended.
  3. Wash your face with warm water in order to open your pores. Dry it with a clean towel.
  4. Apply the egg and yogurt face mask with gentle, circle movements. Start on your chin and work upwards. Avoid getting any in your eyes.
  5. Leave the mask on to act. Unlike other masks, you don't need to leave this one on long: five minutes will be enough.
  6. Wash off with water.

The effect of this probiotic face mask will help regulate and eliminate the bacteria accumulated in the skin.

How to Make an Egg and Yogurt Face Mask - Step 1

You can also make different egg-based face masks. Consider the following combinations:

  • Oily skin: Egg white, a teaspoon lemon juice, half a teaspoon honey.
  • Combination skin: Egg white, a tablespoon flour, two tablespoons white clay, a drop essential oil.
  • Dull, tired skin: Egg white, a teaspoon orange juice, half a teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • Dry, aging skin: Egg white, a teaspoon yogurt, a quarter ripe smashed avocado.

This has been how to make an egg and yogurt face mask for all skin types. Share your tips, questions and opinions in the comments section!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make an Egg and Yogurt Face Mask, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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How to Make an Egg and Yogurt Face Mask