Skin peelings

How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey

The use of honey in beauty treatments to improve skin is already well known. It is one of the best natural moisturizers and is readily available to all. For this reason and due to its amazing cleansing properties, it is also possible to use it to eliminate dead cells that detract brightness and softness to our skin, i.e. it can be used as a homemade exfoliator. There are several treatments you can try that will help leave your skin looking completely replenished, silky smooth and beautiful. Pay attention to this article and find out from OneHowTo how to make a facial scrub with honey.

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  1. Properties of honey for skin
  2. honey and sugar facial scrub
  3. Honey and oats scrub
  4. Honey and cinnamon scrub
  5. Keys to exfoliating the skin well

Properties of honey for skin

Honey is a natural product rich in natural enzymes and vitamins, which are ideal for renewing, moisturizing and beautifying the skin from its innermost layers. Below, we explain why it has become an essential part of many beauty routines:

  • Thanks to its active ingredients and natural enzymes, it is a powerful cleanser, ideal for leaving skin completely free of waste and toxins action.
  • It is perfect for exfoliating the skin effectively because it contains fructose, glucose and AHA, which help eliminate all the dead cells that accumulate and also revitalizes the dermis.
  • It is one of the best natural moisturizers in the world. It has a very rich composition of vitamins and minerals to nourish the tissues of the dermis and keep them well moisturized. This also protects the natural elasticity and suppleness of the skin.
  • By preventing the formation of impurities and the proliferation of bacteria, it is a great ally for the treatment of acne and oily skin.
  • It is full of antioxidants, which slows the aging process and helps keep skin firm and free of so many wrinkles or fine lines.
  • After application, the skin is left moisturized, full of life, soft and luminous.
How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey - Properties of honey for skin

honey and sugar facial scrub

Those with oily skin or those who suffer from acne know the effect excess sebum production has on the skin. It worsens the appearance of impurities, such as spots, blackheads, pimples, etc. The next homemade facial scrub combines the magnificent cleansing, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of honey and lemon. This effectively eliminates all dead cells, reduces imperfections and even prevents the typical stains or acne spots that may remain on the skin.

You'll need the following ingredients to prepare this scrub:

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 spoonful of honey
  • juice of 1 lemon

In a bowl, add sugar and honey and stir well with a spoon until you get a thick, smooth paste. Then squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the mixture. When the scrub is ready, apply it to clean skin using circular movements, avoiding the eye area. Let it sit for about 5 or 10 minutes and remove with warm or cold water. It is important that you do not expose the skin to the sun when you apply it, as the lemon may cause staining.

How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey - honey and sugar facial scrub

Honey and oats scrub

If what you're looking for is a facial scrub that removes dead cells whilst also deeply moisturizing and nourishing the skin, choose one that combined honey with oats. This cereal is great for preventing dryness, irritation and supplying the dermis with all the nutrients it needs to be protected from those external agents that may damage its structure.

The ingredients needed to make this lotion are:

  • 2 tablespoons oats
  • 1 spoonful of honey

To begin, mix some oats with honey in a clean container using a spoon. Mix well until it forms a thick, smooth paste. After cleaning your face with a suitable gel for your skin, apply the scrub by massaging in circular motions. Wait 1 or 2 minutes before rinsing off with cold or lukewarm water. Dry your face with a clean towel. Next, apply a moisturizer to enhance the nutritional effect of this home treatment.

How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey - Honey and oats scrub

Honey and cinnamon scrub

Another homemade preparation that's gaining popularity and is already used by many women, is a honey and cinnamon facial scrub. Why? It has been found that cinnamon is perfect to fight aging, treat acne and improve the tone and volume of the skin. Try this scrub for a radiant complexion without the need to resort to expensive treatments or products.

To make this exfoliating facial mask, you need:

  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Simply mix honey and cinnamon in a bowl until it forms a smooth, uniform paste. Then apply all over the face and leave 15 to 20 minutes for your skin to fully absorb it and make use of its properties. Finally, rinse with lukewarm or cold water - you'll notice an immediate difference.

How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey - Honey and cinnamon scrub

Keys to exfoliating the skin well

Exfoliating the face is a task that must be done correctly; otherwise not all dead skin will be removed and we will not help regenerate the skin cells at all. Take note of the following recommendations and try not to let any slip:

  • Exfoliator's are best applied to slightly damp skin.
  • To exfoliate the skin, movements should always be smooth and circular.
  • Avoid applying exfoliating lotion to sensitive and delicate areas of the face, such as around the eyes and the skin around the lips.
  • Do not exfoliate skin with wounds or irritation.
  • When finished, remove the scrub with warm or cold water - avoid using hot water - and apply a moisturizer to the face.
  • It is advisable to make use of a homemade scrub once a week.
How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey - Keys to exfoliating the skin well

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How to Make a Facial Scrub with Honey