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How to Heal Split Ends

Anaëlle Laurent
By Anaëlle Laurent. Updated: July 22, 2024
How to Heal Split Ends

Having long hair can be difficult when your hair begins to have split ends. Split ends are usually due to sun exposure, bad nutrition or using too much heat on them with things such as blow dryers or curling irons. So, how can you heal split ends without cutting them?

In this oneHOWTO article, we are going to help you heal your split ends with easy and effective home remedies. Keep reading and try one of these methods to help repair your hair so it can continue growing healthily.

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  1. Home remedies to heal split ends
  2. Other treatments for split ends
  3. Tips to avoid split ends

Home remedies to heal split ends

Hair masks are a great way to heal split ends. This deep conditioning treatment helps damaged hair thanks to its rich nutritional properties that hydrate and nourish your hair. It should be no surprise that hair masks are one of the best home remedies to help repair and heal split ends.

Egg hair mask

Eggs have a high concentration of fatty proteins that work great as a natural moisturizer. By applying a homemade egg mask you will help seal your split ends. This hair mask will also hydrate your hair and leave it looking healthy and shiny. For this mask you will only need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

For its preparation and application, follow these steps:

  1. Beat the eggs and mix them with the olive oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it in for at least 45 minutes.
  3. After that, rinse with lukewarm water and wash with your regular shampoo.

Coconut oil hair mask

Thanks to its concentration of vitamin E, coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer. It helps repair damaged hair, making it healthy and shiny once again. If you want to repair your split ends with coconut oil, follow these steps:

  1. Apply a product tablespoon of coconut oil on the palm of your hand and spread it on both hands.
  2. Now, apply it to your damp hair, but only on the ends.
  3. Leave it there for at least 15 minutes, then rinse.

Coconut oil is a product that you can leave as long as you want without it harming your hair. In fact, the longer you leave it the better, as it will have more time to hydrate your hair. Furthermore, coconut oil is also excellent for stimulating the growth of healthy and strong hair.

Olive oil hair mask

Olive oil is one of the most widely used natural products in cosmetics for its nutritional properties. Using it for your hair is known to help not only split ends but damaged hair too. For the best results, follow these instructions:

  1. Massage olive oil on the tips of your hair. Then, leave it for at least 15 min.
  2. As with coconut oil, the longer you leave it, the greater the hydration.
  3. Rinse as you normally would. You can use it 2 times a week for better results.

Avocado hair mask

Here in oneHOWTO we are fans of avocado home remedies. Its high content in vitamins (A, C and E), minerals (potassium and magnesium), fatty acids and protein help heal damaged ends and promotes hair growth. To prepare this hair mask, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the pulp of a ripe avocado and mash it with a fork.
  2. Add 0,7 oz of egg whites (about two tablespoons) and 1 oz of olive oil (about 3 tablespoons).
  3. Mix well until all ingredients are smooth.
  4. Now apply it to the ends of your damp hair. It is important that you apply it by massaging the area so is well absorbed by your hair.
  5. Let it sit for an hour. To enhance the effect you can also cover your hair with a shower cap.
  6. After the time has passed, rinse your hair. You can use this mask 3 times a week for the best results.

Beer hair mask

This beer remedy will soften and repair your split ends. The only drawback is the strong smell it leaves on the hair, so you may want to throughly wash your hair with your regular shampoo after applying this hair mask. To make this hair mask, follow our instructions below:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of beer with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Apply from the middle of the hair to the ends.
  3. Leave to act for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Then wash with your usual shampoo.

Other treatments for split ends

If home remedies have not been enough or you prefer to use cosmetic products, we recommend these two effective split ends treatments. These are two of the most effective treatments for split ends:

Argan oil for hair

Argan oil never ceases to amaze us with the number of cosmetic uses and applications it offers. In this case, argan oil treatments for hair are great to treat split ends or to help fragil or thin hair. Its high concentration of antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamin E and other components, helps soften and strengthen hair. Argan oil treatments are usually used in conditioners, hair masks, serums and other oil treatment. Learn how more on our article about how to use argan oil for hair.

Serums for split ends

Hair serum is a liquid-based treatment using silicone and oil to provide a protective layer over the hair fibre. This treatment leaves hair looking shiny and smooth. These cosmetic products are usually high in oil, that serve to create a protective layer over damaged hair. You can use them on wet or dry hair, as indicated by the product and the brand. After this treatment, your hair will look healthy and nourished.

How to Heal Split Ends - Other treatments for split ends

Tips to avoid split ends

Lastly, we want to give you some tips to prevent split ends and help your hair grow stronger. These small changes in your hair routine can help improve the condition of your hair and prevent further damage.

  • Avoid strong temperatures: do not use too much heat sources on your hair, such as irons, dryers, curling irons or straighteners. You don't need to completely give these products up, but try to reduce their use and when you do use them, reduce the heat.
  • Use a suitable comb: if you don't comb your hair correctly or with a tool suitable for your hair type, you can further damage your ends and break your already fragile hair. If you have long hair, we recommend using a large flat wooden brush. If your hair is short hair, it is advisable to use wide and separate barbed combs. For curly hair, you may want to try a shower comb. Whichever type of hair you have, investigate which comb works best for you. This may be a trial and error type of process, but once you've found which comb is best for your hair type, you will be able to maintain healthy and strong hair.
  • Hydrate: hydration is very important when it comes to over-all health. If you're not drinking enough water, your hair will be dehydrates and begin to break. You can also help the hydration in your hair my using hair masks or oil treatments.
  • Cut your hair once in a while: you may not like this tip, but hair professionals recommend cutting your ends every three months to keep your hair healthy and avoid split ends. You will only need to cut a few inches, so don't worry, your hair will grow and be healthy, shiny and strong. Combine this with our other tips and you will have beautiful and healthy hair without any split ends.

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How to Heal Split Ends