Hair problems
Hair problems, you will find practical information written by experts about hair problems in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
8 articles
Everyone has gone to bed with freshly washed hair at least once in their life, either out of laziness or because they were hot. Even if you feel refreshed and comfortable with wet hair, you should know that sleeping with wet hair can be harmful. Whether it is summer or winter, sleeping with wet hair...
Dandruff is a common skin condition and is the result of excessive flaking on the scalp. Its causes are varied, but it is not a serious threat to our health. The most common problem is that it can be aesthetically displeasing and even lead to social problems. Fortunately, there are various products and...
low difficulty
Have you dyed your hair and noticed the presence of dandruff? Although there are many reasons that can cause dandruff, frequently dying your hair or using harsh dyes can be one of the triggers. These products may not be suited to your skin or contain chemicals which can end up causing irritation, inflammation,...
The appearance of the hair is one of the most important elements in the image of any self-respecting person. Nice, neat hair radiates power and makes our attractiveness shoot on up the scale. However, common problems such as using dryers or irons, the chlorine in the swimming pool, sea water, sun exposure,...
Dandruff is one of the most common skin problems and may occur as a result of an accumulation of dead cells or the presence of fungi. If you're wondering how to treat it using natural remedies, it's basic that you know how to use white vinegar for dandruff properly. This is an ideal treatment to get rid...
Bleached hair looks beautiful on celebrities and often serves as an inspiration for girls and boys. But what they don’t know is that the beautiful bleached hairs of celebrities are a result of careful maintenance. It is a well known fact that bleaching damages and burns the hair by stripping off the natural...
If some Youtube videos are to be believed, the first thing you do when you burn your hair is have a nervous breakdown. But burnt hair isn't only when it smokes and melts off the curling iron. When hair burns it can also be dry, bristly, brittle and easily breakable. These are less dramatic results of...
low difficulty
When hair has lots of knots in it that seem impossible to undo, it is much more easily damaged and broken, even causing quite a lot to fall out. Plus, it makes it hard to achieve any sophisticated hairstyles such as braided ones. If you have to deal with big tangles in your hair every day you will need...