How to get fuller lips

How to Have Fuller Lips

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Have Fuller Lips

Would you like to have fuller lips without the need for surgery? Although the plumping effect is not the same, it is possible to show off some thicker, luscious lips by implementing a few simple tricks and by making use of some natural treatments. Many women have thin lips and are looking for ways to achieve a more sensual and juicy look to highlight the attractiveness of your face and they'll look much more beautiful when it comes to make-up. Take note of the advice we give you in this OneHowTo article and discover how to have fuller lips naturally.

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Steps to follow:


To get fleshy and juicy lips it is essential that your lips are soft and that the skin around the area is in perfect condition. So, the first thing you should do is exfoliate your lips once a week, at least, to remove all the dead cells that make the skin dry and rough to the touch. With this task, you'll also stimulate blood circulation, allowing you to slightly increase the volume of your lips.

It is important to correctly perform the exfoliation and a safe and ideal way is by using a homemade scrub made from sugar and honey. Mix a small amount of both ingredients and then, with the help of a clean toothbrush, apply the resulting paste on the lips and massage it in circular movements. For more ideas, take a look at our article on how to exfoliate lips at home with natural remedies.

How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 1

Rough, cracked and damaged lips seem much thinner and thinner than soft and well-kept lips. For this reason, in addition to exfoliation, you should not overlook daily moisturizing your lips. Always carry some lip balm in your bag and apply it several times a day to prevent dryness. You can try using the delightful homemade moisturizers that we show below:

  • Aloe vera: apply some pulp or aloe vera gel on your lips. Leave it to be absorbed by the skin... soft and nourishing with a very flattering effect.
  • Shea Butter: apply some shea butter over your lips. It is ideal for treating dryness and to hydrate them in depth.
  • Mix some virgin beeswax with a few drops of melted almond oil and apply it on your lips. Both have powerful moisturizing and smoothing properties.

To discover more natural treatments like this, do not miss this article on how to moisturize your lips with home remedies.

How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 2

One of the best ways to give your lips some extra volume is by performing a massage on the area. This manages to increase blood flow, improving the lip muscles and therefore making the lips look a little bigger. You can do the massage using aloe vera gel or ice cubes to further create a natural reddish look which is very attractive.

In case you go for the ice option, it is important that you wrap the ice cube in a clean cloth and carefully pass it over the lips for 5 minutes a day. Avoid applying the ice directly on the skin, as you could get burns and irritation.

How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 3

There is a home remedy that causes rage among women who are trying to have fuller lips. This is to take advantage of the great properties of cinnamon by mixing a little ground cinnamon with Vaseline. You only have to apply the resulting paste on the lips, let it seep in for 10 minutes, after this time, remove with plenty of water. At the end, apply your usual lip balm and you're ready to go!

How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 4

If you're not used to exercising your lips on a regular basis, then you should know that this also can help you avoid having thin lips and, conversely, it helps you get thicker lips that look pretty. It's advisable to do some lip exercises every day. They are very simple to do so you can perform them comfortably at home while doing other tasks. One of the most effective ones is to pout with your mouth as if you were to give a kiss and then keep your lips in this position for about 10 minutes, approximately.

How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 5

Let's not fool ourselves, your make-up is the best ally to visibly re-shape your lips and make them look much more bulky and full. The make-up tricks to make your lips look thicker worth considering are:

  • First outline the contour of your lips with a pencil in a similar skin tone to your lips. For more volume, you can trace the boundary a little above the natural line of your lips.
  • With a pencil the same color as the lipstick you're going to use, fill in both the upper and lower lip.
  • Apply your lipstick with a brush for better accuracy and to give you more color intensity.
  • It's better to use lipsticks with light colors and creamy textures, as these will make your lips look thicker than they really are.
  • A little gloss or shine right in the center of the upper and lower lips is perfect for a spectacular juicy mouth.
How to Have Fuller Lips - Step 6

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How to Have Fuller Lips