How to Get Shakira Curly Hair

The beautiful and talented Colombian singer, Shakira, had already made an unforgettable mark with her song and dance. Her exquisite belly dancing skills along with a unique voice have set her apart from all other singers and dancers in the industry. She has become such an icon among youth that everyone wants to copy her chic style and her exotic curly hairstyle. If you are wondering how to get Shakira curly hair then keep reading this oneHOWTO article.
Shakira’s hair is usually long. Her beautiful, long, lustrous curls are to be envied for. If you have long hair then your first step is already complete. But if your hair is short then you can grow it out so that it reaches the same length as Shakira’s.
To grow your hair, follow the tips given below:
- Hot oil massage once every week is the method most women swears by to have long hair. You can mix oils according to your choice and need. Then heat it in a bowl till it’s lukewarm. Apply this oil on the roots and massage the head. Cover it with a steaming towel so that the oil is soaked by the scalp. Then wash off the oil to get long lustrous hair.
- Hair supplements work too. Consume hair supplements regularly for beautiful strong hair. But the side effect of supplements is that hairs in other part of body will also grow in the same accelerated rate.
- Regularly trimming your hair will aid in fast growth. It will help in snipping off the dry or split ends and hence healthy hair will grow faster.
What is so special about Shakira’s hair? The answer is beautiful honey-blonde hair with the oh-so-sexy sun-kissed highlights. To get the beautiful honey blonde color, you can either bleach your hair or have your hair colored in a reputed salon. Make sure that the shade of blonde looks natural to your skin tone just like Shakira’s. Shakira is actually a brunette but looking at her beautiful blonde hair, no one can point out that it’s not her natural hair color. So, make sure that you get a color which looks natural for your hair.
After getting the desired color, go for some highlights and low lights in your hair.

Shakira’s Curly Hair
Now that you have desired length and hair color, it’s time for the beautiful curls. Shakira’s hair is naturally curly and has a beach wavy look to it. So, blessed are those souls who have curly hair with a natural beach wave look. But if you have straight hair then you should try one of the following methods to get Shakira-esque hair.
1. Using hair rollers
Wash and detangle your hair. Apply some mousse or styling gel if your hair does not hold curls for long. Take a section of hair and wrap it around a foam hair roller. Place the hair ends under the roller and then gradually roll towards the scalp. Secure the hair roller. Then move on to another section and repeat the same process. Repeat it till all the hair is secured in the hair roller.
Wait for some time so that your hair dries out completely. Then take out the rollers. Move your fingers in between the curls to loosen it and achieve the beach wavy curly look of Shakira’s hair. Spray some hairspray over your beautiful curls. But don’t overdo it.
2. Braiding and buns
Another natural way to get the beautiful curls is the braid and bun method.
For this method wash your hair with shampoo and then condition it. Detangle it while it is damp using your fingers or a wide toothed comb. Apply some mousse all over the strands. You can use special products for this purpose such as curling mousse. Then take a section of your hair and braid it. You can make two braids or four braids.
Now take each braid and twist them in the form of bun. Let the hair dry completely. You can also do this at night and leave it overnight. In the morning open the buns. Then undo the braids. Comb your hair with your fingers to get beautiful curly hair just like Shakira.

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