How to get rid of stretch marks

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: October 7, 2024
How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt

The gluteal area is one of the most prone areas for getting stretch marks as the skin tends to stretch when we gain or lose weight. By doing so, the fibers break and typical stretch marks appear. If this is your case, you should be aware that there are some methods that will help to reduce these annoying marks and get your skin back to being smooth and soft.

However, you need to know that if the stretch marks are already white, it is very difficult to remove them because the skin has already healed. The ones which can be combated are those which are red because they are new so the cells can still recover. In this OneHowTo article we'll tell you how to get rid of stretch marks on your butt so you can show off some smooth, unmarked skin.

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Steps to follow:


Stretch marks appear when the fibers in the skin break because of a lack of elasticity or because they have relaxed too much. They appear in the deeper layers of the skin and it is precisely because of this reason that it is difficult to remove them quickly and why they need to be treated consistently.

When the production of collagen in the body is reduced or when the production of the hormone cortisol, which inhibits elastin and collagen, is increased, these marks may appear on the skin. This occurs during puberty, pregnancy, when you gain a few kilos or during periods of stress that cause tension in the skin that prevents the cells from becoming oxygenated.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 1

One of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks on the butt is with aloe vera. By mixing it with lemon, as we explain in our article on how to get rid of stretch marks with vitamin C, it can do wonders. This plant has perfect properties to regenerate skin and restore its elasticity and appearance. One of the most important benefits of aloe vera is that it stimulates natural collagen and elastin in the dermis, in addition to regenerating cells.

Therefore, you can prepare a homemade cream with aloe vera to help to reduce these annoying marks and restore your skin's health. To make it you need:

  • 1 cup aloe vera pulp
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons of any essential oil (rosehip, almond or if you don't have any, use olive oil)

The first thing you have to do is to beat the aloe and, when finished, add the honey and your chosen oil. Mix everything until all the ingredients are combined and then apply it in the gluteal area where you have the stretch marks. Leave it to act for 30 minutes and then rinse your skin with warm water. Repeat the process 3 times a week and you'll see the difference.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 2

Rosehip oil is another one of the best remedies to be able to remove stretch marks from the glutes in a natural way. The reason is that this essential oil contains gamma linoleic acid, a type of fatty acid that promotes regeneration of cells and repairs tissue. Therefore, it is perfect for reducing stretch marks and scars in the dermis. It is also rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that promotes healthy skin and restores softness and smoothness.

To take advantage of the benefits that we just mentioned, just apply rosehip oil onto the palm of your hand and rub it on the area where you have your marks. Gently massage the area to stimulate the circulation of blood and to stretch it out until you feel that the product has been completely absorbed by your body.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 3

You should also take advantage of vitamin E's benefits for the skin in order to be able to reduce stretch marks on the butt. This nutrient helps to improve blood circulation as well as being ideal for combating premature aging. It also stimulates deep hydration in the skin causing it to become smoother and softer.

In order to apply these properties on your glutes just go to a natural food shop and get some vitamin E capsules. Open them and apply the liquid they contain onto the area where you have the stretch marks. Gently massage it so the product penetrates various layers of skin to combat this condition. If you do not want to spend money, you can also apply oils that are rich in vitamin A, for example, olive oil, soy oil, castor oil, and so on.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 4

However, if you prefer another type of treatment, you can go to a specialty shop or pharmacy and buy some already prepared stretch mark cream. The composition of such a product is intended to regenerate cells and improve your skin's elasticity. The main thing is to be consistent when applying these creams and to do so twice a day (morning and evening) with circular massaging movements until your skin absorbs it completely.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 5

In addition to these treatments to help you combat stretch marks, it is important to be aware of some habits that can be changed in order to prevent it and, above all, to prevent it from re-appearing. Firstly, it is essential that you keep your skin properly hydrated as in this way you make sure that it doesn't break and that it is nourished and elastic. However, hydration should also be internal, so it is important to drink 2 liters of water every day as it will help you to have skin in perfect condition.

You should also follow a healthy and balanced diet, adding certain foods that increase collagen as they will help to prevent fibers breaking in the dermis and so prevent these marks.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt - Step 6

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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Butt