Preventing stretch marks

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Vitamin C

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. Updated: September 5, 2024
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Vitamin C

Have you ever heard that you can get rid of stretch marks using Vitamin C? Topical vitamin C is an important antioxidant and revitalizer. Vitamin C prevents stretch marks, cures them in the early stages, and makes them look much better even if the stretch marks are old, i.e. impossible to get rid of completely.

Nobody likes stretch marks, yet it is estimated that over half of the female population, and a good percentage of males, have them. Whether you have stretch marks and you have tried everything, your stretch marks have just appeared, or you just want to prevent stretch marks, continue reading as we explain how to get rid of stretch marks with vitamin C.

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  1. What causes stretch marks
  2. Does vitamin C get rid of stretch marks?
  3. Vitamin C for stretch marks: how to use it
  4. Homemade natural vitamin C serum
  5. Vitamin C oxidation

What causes stretch marks

Stretch marks are the visible effect of something happening much deeper inside our internal skin layers, called dermis. When the dermis stretches excessively, normally due to either puberty, weight gain, hormonal changes, or pregnancy, the fibers of collagen that help make the skin flexible to tearing and stretching become unable to cope with the change. The result is, initially red marks, which slowly become lighter and lighter until they become white. Stretch marks usually appear on the belly and butt. Apart from the aforementioned phases in the life of a woman, what causes stretch marks is often an hereditary component.

Does vitamin C get rid of stretch marks?

Let's get things straight. It is possible to prevent stretch marks through vitamin C; it is possible to get rid of stretch marks when they are in their initial red phase; but you cannot totally get rid of stretch marks once they are white and old. The good news is that it is possible to make them much less visible by using vitamin C. Why?

Vitamin C helps the formation of collagen, which is the substance that keeps our skin together and toned. That means that vitamin C makes the skin look more toned, even, young, hydrated, and bright. It can greatly help a sun damaged skin look healthier, for example.

Being an antioxidant, vitamin C also helps eliminate the effects of free radicals and bad, saturated fats on our skin.

Does vitamin C prevent stretch marks? Vitamin C has amazing antioxidant properties that prevent skin problems from arising. It stimulates the formation of new skin cells, preventing stretch marks from appearing in the first place.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Vitamin C - Does vitamin C get rid of stretch marks?

Vitamin C for stretch marks: how to use it

The first obvious way to make vitamin C act on your skin is by eating vitamin C rich food, or taking vitamin C tablets. Internal use of vitamin C is very important for a healthy skin.

Now, let's come to the use of topical vitamin C for stretch marks. You have different options:

  • store bought vitamin C serum for stretch marks. You can apply it once a day to the affected area.
  • homemade vitamin C serum for stretch marks: just mix 1 teaspoon vitamin C powder with 2 tablespoons distilled water and immediately place in a dark, air tight container. Keep in the fridge for a maximum of three weeks.
  • vitamin C beauty products such as creams, soaps, lotions. The quantity of vitamin C contained in those products is much inferior than the quantity of vitamin C contained in vitamin C serum. If you only want to prevent stretch marks, that might be your best option.
  • Homemade natural vitamin C serum: recipe below

Homemade natural vitamin C serum

This is definitely the cheapest and most natural option to use vitamin C serum for stretch marks. You need:

1 lemon

50 ml aloe vera

Just mix the juice of one lemon with your aloe vera and apply to belly and butt area. It is better to make the homemade natural vitamin C serum frequently as it oxidizes quickly.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Vitamin C - Homemade natural vitamin C serum

Vitamin C oxidation

A couple of things to bear in mind if you want to use topical vitamin C to get rid of stretch marks:

  • Vitamin C oxidized very quickly. Vitamin C beauty products must be kept in the dark and in air tight container soon after you use them. Only buy vitamin C serum that comes in dark, sealed containers.
  • Vitamin C serum for stretch marks can be quite aggressive. Extra dilute it with water if you have a sensitive skin.

Now you are ready to get rid of your stretch marks with vitamin C!

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with Vitamin C