Alopecia and Hair Loss

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 20, 2017
How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss

Although hair loss mainly affects men, women can also be struck down with it. Usually female alopecia is caused by hormonal problems, chronic stress and medications, causing complexes in people who suffer from hair loss, which may be generalized or focused on certain areas. While the best way to prevent the advance of hair loss is determining and controlling the cause, there are tools that can help improve the appearance of people and their general mood. Find out in this OneHowTo article on how to cover up female hair loss.

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Steps to follow:


One way to cover up female hair loss is by changing your haircut. While this alternative is rejected by many people because they think it means they'll have even less hair, the idea is to create volume by cutting through layers or bangs to hide the absence of hair. This allows you to also emphasize your face, so that people focus on your eyes and not on your hair.

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss - Step 1

To cover up female hair loss, many people turn to treatments to stimulate natural regrowth of the hair. It turns out that there are many lotions that help with hair growth and which also help improve the person's appearance. However, there are many products that offer miracles and do not really deliver them - so beware! The main component of the products that work is minoxidil, which is responsible for stimulating the production of hair.

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss - Step 2

Head scarves, hats, scarves and bandanas are ideal to cover up female hair loss, allowing you to easily hide the area where there is no hair and you can use them throughout the year. You can purchase these accessories in various colors so you have lots available for all your looks and your femininity will not be affected by hair loss.

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss - Step 3

Find a wig that is similar to your hair color. This is a very effective way to hide the female hair loss. It is best to buy a wig with real long hair. Take it to your stylist to give you a similar cut so that you maintain the right look. Although many people are embarrassed to wear wigs, it is a temporary alternative to help hide the bareness of your scalp.

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss - Step 4

If you do not have bald scalp but your hair is getting thinner and losing volume, hair extensions can be of great aid to hide the onset of female hair loss. Ideally, like wigs, choose strands similar to your hair colour and ask your stylist to place them in the area where you need the volume most.

How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss - Step 5

A more expensive but effective alternative to disguise female hair loss is to undergo a hair transplant. The treatment, as its name implies, means they will collect hair grafts from other parts of your body and place them on zones on your scalp where hair loss is far more evident. You can check with your local aesthetic beauty centers to see if they perform this treatment and ask for a price estimate.


See our article on how to prevent and treat hair loss for more effective solutions.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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How to Cover Up Female Hair Loss