Causes of Hair Loss

Seasonal Hair Loss - Causes and Solutions

Patricia Yovane
By Patricia Yovane, Editor. Updated: July 10, 2024
Seasonal Hair Loss - Causes and Solutions

Hair has its own life cycle and hair loss is part of the natural process. However, when autumn comes, it seems that our hair falls out more easily. However, it is important to remember that every head is unique, and so is every hair. But do not be put off, because what is really happening is that our scalp is in a phase of follicle renewal: That is, we are not losing it, but renewing it. A healthy diet, reducing stress and using the right products for our hair to stop hair loss and stimulate growth are the pillars of good hair health.

In this oneHOWTO article, you will learn why your hair falls out in the fall, and how you can treat it.

You may also be interested in: How to Stop Hair Loss Related to Stress
  1. Why does hair fall out more in the fall?
  2. What you can do against hair loss in the fall?
  3. When to worry about hair loss in the fall?

Why does hair fall out more in the fall?

If you are one of those who believe their hair falls out more in the fall, you are not alone. The seasonal hair loss we experience in the fall is normal. Although there are no scientific studies to support the theory of seasonal hair loss, some experts believe that because of our mammalian heritage, it is possible that hair follows seasonal life cycles.

In addition, there are a number of critical factors that can accelerate hair loss in the fall. Let us take a closer look at what these are:

  • Remnants of summer: the chlorine from the swimming pools, the saltpeter from the sea and the sun's rays that constantly hit our hair during summer make it brittle and dehydrated. Add to this the increased humidity and the decrease in natural light. This confluence of elements causes the hair to renew and fall out at the end of the summer season.

  • Hormones: the arrival of cold weather and the reduction of daylight hours have an impact on our body's hormone production. Hair loss occurs mainly when there is a change in three hormones: testosterone, estrogen and DHT. These hormones are responsible for hair growth. When the balance of these hormones is disturbed, this leads to thinning hair or hair loss.

  • Stress: you know that stress has all kinds of effects on our body, and one of them is hair loss. Prolonged stress causes many hair follicles to go dormant. Within a few months, the affected hair can suddenly fall out just because you comb or wash your hair. Autumn can be a very stressful time due to factors such as returning to work and routine, as well as fewer hours of sunshine.

In short, a series of situations that cause the hair to receive fewer nutrients and enter the phase of hair loss. You may be interested in this other article, where we discuss how seasonal changes affect us.

What you can do against hair loss in the fall?

Since autumn hair loss is normal and part of a natural process of hair renewal cycles, here are some tips to keep your mane in good shape throughout the fall.

  • Wash your hair regularly: hair hygiene is essential to remove dirt, bacteria, and pollutants that settle on the scalp every day. Because when the follicle is suffocated, the hair also stops growing. In addition, a clean scalp better absorbs the treatments or solutions used to stop hair loss.

  • Good nutrition: good nutrition is always the best defense against any situation. In the fall, we should increase our intake of foods that contain vitamin B12, such as red meat or dairy products; biotin, found in foods of plant and animal origin and legumes. A good diet also strengthens our defense system and reduces the likelihood of suffering from seasonal flu.

  • Avoid straightening irons and hair dryers: the heat emitted by these products affects the health of the hair and can increase hair loss. The hair dries out and becomes weaker.

  • Comb/brush your hair daily: many people believe that combing accelerates hair loss, but we would have to brush the hair very roughly or pull it out directly for it to fall out so easily. Daily brushing removes the hairs that have fallen out, but have been caught among the other fibers, and helps to heal them. In this way, we eliminate impurities and at the same time stimulate blood circulation so that more nutrients reach the root.
Seasonal Hair Loss - Causes and Solutions - What you can do against hair loss in the fall?

When to worry about hair loss in the fall?

Hair loss in autumn is normal and is part of the natural process of hair renewal cycles. Hair has three phases. The anagen phase is when the hair grows. The catagen phase, when hair growth stops, and the telogen phase, when hair begins to fall out as part of its natural process.

This last phase often occurs in the fall and usually lasts three to four months. Hair loss is considered abnormal when it exceeds 100 hairs per day.

If you notice that your hair loss regularly exceeds this number, we advise you to see a dermatologist to determine if there is a pathology.

If you want to read similar articles to Seasonal Hair Loss - Causes and Solutions, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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Seasonal Hair Loss - Causes and Solutions