Facial cleansers

The Benefits of Skin Cleansing

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: October 16, 2020
The Benefits of Skin Cleansing

Facial skin is exposed to the harmful effects of external contaminating agents, such as wind, cold, sun, cigarettes, makeup, etc. on a daily basis. They end up damaging the structure and prevent the process of regeneration and cell renewal from being performed properly. For this reason, deeply cleansing your skin and leaving it free of impurities should be a beauty ritual for everyone if you want to have nicer, soft skin which also looks younger. If you don't really know what the benefits of skin cleansing are, keep reading this OneHowTo article in order to be convinced that treatment is more than necessary for always having an enviable complexion.

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  1. Advantages and benefits of a deep cleansing facial
  2. What is involved in a professional facial skin cleansing?
  3. How to perform a deep skin cleansing facial at home

Advantages and benefits of a deep cleansing facial

Despite the fact that you may remove your makeup and cleanse your skin twice daily, both at morning and at night, accumulated residue always remains, so the dermis may not be able to breathe completely and therefore finds it harder to renew itself. Therefore, it is really important that you subject facial skin to a professional deep skin cleaning once a month to show off a radiant and much younger complexion. In order to convince you about the effectiveness of this treatment, we will explain the main skin cleansing benefits in the following lines:

  • All dead skin cells are removed and deep, accumulated impurities are removed.
  • It allows the skin to oxygenate itself from the inside, so it can breathe properly again as well as ensuring the overnight cell regeneration process is a success.
  • It completely unclogs the pores , decongests them and also reduces their size, so they are much less visible on the face and blackheads and acne are removed.
  • It balances the skin's pH levels and combats the effects of external pollutants on the skin, which can lead to the emergence of multiple problems such as excess grease, facial shine, acne, dryness, tightness, redness, etc.
  • It slows the ageing process, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and the result is a much more luminous, smooth and silky skin.
  • It increases the skin's hydration and any cosmetics or treatments that are applied are then absorbed much better.
  • It combats and reduces signs of fatigue and tiredness on the face.
  • It activates blood circulation in the area and the facial muscles are toned.
The Benefits of Skin Cleansing - Advantages and benefits of a deep cleansing facial

What is involved in a professional facial skin cleansing?

As noted in the previous section, you ideally need to go to a beauty salon and receive a professional facial skin cleansing once a month, although it should be noted that the frequency of treatment may vary depending on your skin type. For example, women with acne or very oily skin may need one once every 15 days or even once a week. In any case, it is best to be advised by an expert or specialist.

A professional facial cleansing can last between 50 minutes and 1 hour and a half. Although each beauty salon may offer an adapted version, the common treatment consists of performing the following steps:

  • Facial skin cleansing: makeup is removed and the face and neck are sanitized by applying products that superficially clean the face. Using steam, the pores are opened and special products are used to remove all impurities. These products are chosen depending on your skin type (dry, oily, combination, etc.).
  • Massage: an invigorating and relaxing massage is given using gels or creams to close the pores and clear the dermis.
  • Hydration and nutrition: the skin is hydrated by a face mask and a cream is applied to protect the face, plus a sunscreen.

If desired, professional facials may include other treatments such as peelings, the application of glycolic acid, and more specialist products, etc.

The Benefits of Skin Cleansing - What is involved in a professional facial skin cleansing?

How to perform a deep skin cleansing facial at home

If you don't have time to go to a beauty salon or want to save a little money, you can also perform your own facial cleansing at home so you show off equally beautiful, bright and youthful skin. To do this, you must follow the steps shown below and use the products that best suit the needs of your skin, so take note:

  1. Wash your face with cold water and remove all residue with a suitable facial cleanser for your skin type. Discover what's right for you by consulting our article about how to choose a facial cleanser.
  2. Do yourself a gentle massage with the fingertips on facial areas such as the forehead, chin, forehead and neck to relax all the muscles.
  3. Apply an exfoliating lotion to remove dead cells by using a circular motion.
  4. Use vaporization to open every pore. To do this, place a pan of hot water that has been previously boiled on a hard surface. Cover your head with a towel and place your face over the pan so that all the hot steam permeates your face. Remain in this position for at least 10 minutes.
  5. Afterwards, apply a toner to close the pores and refresh the skin.
  6. Finally, apply your usual moisturizer.

After cleansing, it is important that you avoid wearing makeup immediately afterwards to allow your skin to rest for a while and completely renew itself. If you also like natural cosmetics, you can also incorporate some natural ingredients into this treatment, such as is shown in our article about how to perform a deep cleansing facial with steam at home.

The Benefits of Skin Cleansing - How to perform a deep skin cleansing facial at home

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The Benefits of Skin Cleansing