High boots

How to wear Knee High boots

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to wear Knee High boots

Knee high boots, also known as buccaneer or musketeer boots, have been all the rage in recent seasons and are one of the basic trends for this fall and winter. However, musketeer boots are not always an element simple combine in our daily outfits, so in OneHowTo.com we give you some tips for you to discover how to wear knee high boots.


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Steps to follow:


What are knee high boots? These boots are visually associated to pirates or Musketeers. This model often rises to above knee height, or even to the middle of the thigh.


Knee high boots are not a good choice for all: if you are short or have rather plump legs, these boots will not suit you. But if you are slender and tall, knee high boots will be one of your best fashion allies.


There are many ways to combine your knee high boots, although everything depends on the styling and final look you want to get. Although very high boots they do combine well with skirts: though this will have to be a very short skirt to get a good combination. For many ideas, take a look at our article on how to wear high boots with skirts.

Use a short coat on top to make sure your amazing statement boots stand out or, as you can see in the picture, put on a coat that is more or less the length of the skirt.

How to wear Knee High boots - Step 3
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Add an oversize or long coat which is loose or add highly elegant accessories, such as a chic bag or a feminine shirt, and you will get a styling perfect for less casual occasions. Make sure you wear the coat open so you can show off your new boots.


But if you are looking for a casual look you should not choose a skirt. Combine your knee boots with skinny jeans (trousers go inside the boot) and have these boots be lower.

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How to wear Knee High boots - Step 5

Knee high boots are also good for looks with dresses. You will have to opt for short dresses, as in the case of the skirts, but you should avoid tight models. The knee boots work well with loose garments or those with a hippy touch.

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How to wear Knee High boots - Step 6

You can also combine a dress that is lady like with knee high boots to give a more casual look without losing the dress' elegant touch.

Next, find out how to wear brown boots or blue boots.

How to wear Knee High boots - Step 7
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How to wear Knee High boots