other skin diseases

How to Treat Vitiligo at Home

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Treat Vitiligo at Home

Vitiligo is a kind of skin whitening caused by a lack of skin pigment, melanin. Vitiligo is characterized by discoloured patches. This illness is most typical in young people and is more prevalent in women than in men. The skin whitening called vitiligo normally affects the face, hands and neck. Continue reading this OneHowTo article to discover how you should treat vitiligo at home.

You'll need:

  • Carrot juice.
  • Chamomile.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Salads.
  • Vegetables.
  • Pollen.
  • Sun.
  • Mug.

Steps to follow:


Ultraviolet rays, which are rays emanated by the sun, stimulate melanin production in the body. This is why we recommend sunbathing in a gradual way and always follow sunbathing with a cold bath.


It is possible to use hydrotherapy to treat vitiligo naturally. Two baths daily, lasting 5 minutes each, as well as two steam baths with chamomile twice a week, are recommended.


When it comes to nutrition, it is recommended you drink two cups of raw carrot juice a day and add brewer's yeast to vegetable soups and salads.


Another helpful remedy involves taking a spoonful of pollen with your breakfast daily. This is very rich in vitamin B, which is essential for keeping your skin healthy. Consuming pollen will also help to strengthen the nervous system and the body in general.


If you want to treat vitiligo with food, the most appropriate way to do it is through any orange vegetables. Papaya, carrot, sweet potato for example, stimulate the production of melanin in our body, thus improving vitiligo skin whitening. Turmeric, also orange in color, is an important spice everyone with vitiligo should use, by both eating it and applying it to the affected areas.

How to Treat Vitiligo at Home - Step 5

An important, an often undervalued part of treating vitiligo at home, is stress reduction. Stress causes vitiligo to spread more, thus stress reduction reduces the amount of skin whitened skin. Try yoga, meditation, or any activity that you find relaxing.


Honey is one of the best natural remedies for vitiligo. You should both eat a couple of spoonfuls of honey everyday, and apply honey on the vitiligo affected area.

Another good natural remedy for vitiligo is Ginkgo Biloba, which is a supplement you can buy from any health store and is beneficial for your skin.

How to Treat Vitiligo at Home - Step 7

If you have vitiligo, remember to always use a sunscreen when your skin is exposed to the sun, as sunburns can make the condition worse in the long run. For more home remedies, take a look at our article on how to cure vitiligo naturally.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Treat Vitiligo at Home, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.


  • Brewer's yeast has many properties, and among those described above, it is also known to be a great skin cleanser and helps with weight control.
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Which soaps and creams can be used for vitilogo
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Carla,

The article explains home remedies for vitilogo. For special soaps or creams we suggest you consult a doctor or pharmacist.
I suffered vitiligo when I was 8 years old and now Im 16 and the white patches are gradually grow. and I dont know what to do .. people bullied me specially my clasmmates :( it makes me feel stressfull . and I hope that this remedies will help me .. please reply me ...also my vitiligo appeared when I scratched my mole in my forehead..
OneHowTo Editor
Hi James,

Stress is a factor that can increase vitiligo, which is why you should avoid people that make fun and focus on your personal goal, those things you want to achieve in life no matter what your skin looks like. Take Winnie Harlow as a role model if you like.
Other than that, we recommend you follow the instructions in our article and visit a dermatologist so he or she can treat you adequately.

We hope this helps!
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How to Treat Vitiligo at Home