Itching on the skin

How to Relieve an Itchy Wound

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Relieve an Itchy Wound

Do you have a wound that is itching? Your skin might start to itch when a wound starts to heal and form a scab. That's when it might start itching and you'll feel the urge to scratch the scab. But you shouldn't do this under no circumstances, as this will only hinder the healing process and increase the likelihood of scarring. In this OneHowTo article we will explain how to relieve an itchy wound with a few tricks that will help you feel better.

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Steps to follow:


If your wound is itching, the first thing to do is to avoid scratching the scab directly. Why? First of all, you body is healing this area and if you scratch it directly, you run the risk of the scab falling off, which is your body's natural protective barrier against infection.

Therefore you should never scratch directly on the wound to relieve itching. Alternatively you can rub the surrounding skin with your fingertips. Do not use nails or be violent when scratching because the scab might fall off, impairing healing and increasing the likelihood of scarring, which can stay on your skin forever.


A home remedy that will relieve the itching from a wound is chamomile. This medicinal herb moisturises the skin, reduces inflammation and helps the skin regenerate. To benefit from the medicinal properties of chamomile you can prepare a tea and, when cool, dip a cotton pad inside. Apply it over the wound to accelerate the healing of the wound and relieve itching.

How to Relieve an Itchy Wound - Step 2

Aloe vera is another powerful natural ingredient that can help relieve itching from a wound because it has healing properties which regenerate skin tissue. Therefore aloe vera not only relieves itching, but also accelerates wound healing.

To take advantage of these benefits, simply cut a fresh leaf from an aloe vera plant and apply the gel directly to the wound. If you do not have aloe at home you can go to a health food store and buy aloe vera gel. The idea is that you put it on the wound and let the healing take effect on your skin.

How to Relieve an Itchy Wound - Step 3

Another popular remedy for relieving itching skin is green clay. This ingredient has the ability to restore and accelerate wound healing, and also boasts soothing and anti-inflammatory effects that will treat the itching. It is one of the best natural disinfectants that, besides being very good for healing scars or any injury to the skin, is also widely used in treatments for acne.

To enjoy these beneficial effect, simply prepare a mask using green clay and apply to the affected area. Leave for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water. You'll feel instant relief and will feel better.

How to Relieve an Itchy Wound - Step 4

Besides all these tricks listed here, there is another effective itching remedy that you should definitely try: ice. The coldness of the ice has anti-inflammatory properties that help to decrease the swelling and calm the wound, whilst also relieving itching and acting as a painkiller. So if you have a wound and don't know what to do to ease the itch, apply some ice for instant relief and to feel much better.

How to Relieve an Itchy Wound - Step 5

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How to Relieve an Itchy Wound