How To Make Thick Toenails Thinner

Cutting and filing your toenails is a task that must be done properly and carefully so that the end result is impeccable and to prevent uncomfortable conditions, such as ingrown toenails. However, how do you do it when the nails are too thick? In this case, it is necessary that beforehand you have followed a series of care guidelines to file them down and soften them. Otherwise, cutting them and making them look beautiful can be virtually impossible. It will also be essential to consult your doctor if the thickening of the nail is the result of a fungal infection or another condition that threatens your health. Keep reading this OneHowTo article if you want to know how to make thick toenails thinner and always keep them healthy and pretty.
You'll need:
- Bathtub
- Nail file.
- Nail buffer
- Medical prescription
Steps to follow:
First, it is important to know that the thickening of the nails may be due to various causes, and it is usually the result of aging, but it may also be a condition caused by wearing inappropriate footwear, trauma or a symptom of conditions such as the presence of nail fungus (Onychomycosis), psoriasis and diabetes. That is why if you notice changes in your toenails seeing that one or more of them has become thick and that they also change color or emit an unpleasant smell, you should go to your doctor or podiatrist urgently to get appropriate treatment based on the origin of the problem.

Some people have thick nails more than others, and for these people simply cutting or filing them becomes a very tedious task. If this is your case and the thickening of your nails is not due to any health problem affecting the status of your toenails, you can follow the steps described below to try thin thick toenails yourself at home:
- First, you should thoroughly wash your feet with soap for soft skin, focussing on the nails, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
- Then we suggest having a foot bath with salted water to soften and make the thick toenails thinner. To do this, fill a bowl or basin with warm water, add 3 tablespoons of sea salt and let your feet soak for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Dry your feet well and apply a softening cream or some baby oil to them and your nails. This will also serve to soften the nail structure.

After this, you will find it much easier to cut your toenails, but first it is important to file them down. You must choose a specific file for thick nails, as this will avoid that these get grooves in them or are damaged. The most recommended are polishing files that have 4 sides with different textures. These are ideal for shaping and polishing unevenness in the nails. You should file the nail surface to remove layers using firm but gentle movements.

Once finished, it's time to cut them. This is a step that must be done well to prevent the edges of the nails digging into the skin when they grow. You will need special nail pedicure scissors for thick nails or strong nail clippers, and the cut must be straight and clean, ensuring that the corners don't end up too short. Finish off by filing the nails into a square shape, and they will be much thinner and perfect to show off confidently.
As we noted at the beginning, the thickening of the nail may be caused by wearing inappropriate footwear. Wearing shoes that squeeze your toes too much can damage the structure of them. That is why it's important to check when buying shoes that they are wide enough and you can move all your toes easily.
Also, one of the conditions whose main symptom is the thickening of the nail is onychomycosis or nail fungus. However, in this case you not only notice that your nail is thicker than normal, but also other changes, as they tend to become yellow, brittle and deformed. At the slightest suspicion of fungal infection, you should go to your doctor because it requires a topical or oral antifungal treatment to be cured.
If you suffer from this condition, you may also want to consult the following articles:
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