Nail care
Nail care, you will find practical information written by experts about nail care in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
6 articles
low difficulty
low difficulty
Maintaining a good care routine for toenails is essential to keep them healthy and pretty, and to prevent ingrown nails and infections. They should be given as much care and attention as fingernails, even if they're usually out of sight.
Keeping them short, clean and well hydrated is the best trick...
Acrylic nails are a life saver for people whose nails grow very slowly or who can’t maintain long nails all the time. Acrylic nails can be applied on the real nail to enhance the length and look of the nails. But great care must be taken when you are trying to remove it from your real nails as there is always...
The long acrylic nails give a sexy and glamorous look to our personality without the hassle of growing our real nails so long. So, women love to glue acrylic nails over their natural ones. But after some time these acrylic nails start to look thick and also our natural nails grow. This causes the acrylic...
medium difficulty
Cutting and filing your toenails is a task that must be done properly and carefully so that the end result is impeccable and to prevent uncomfortable conditions, such as ingrown toenails. However, how do you do it when the nails are too thick? In this case, it is necessary that beforehand you have followed a...
low difficulty
Well maintained and manicured fingernails are essential to reflect a good personal image. However, factors such as tobacco, touching certain substances and chemical compounds contained in commercial varnishes can make our nails acquire a very unflattering yellow colour. To restore and recover the original...
low difficulty
Brittle nails can be a pain for those who want to always have a perfect manicure. Eating a healthy diet with all the necessary nutrients, is the best way to maintain strong nails. But there are also some natural options that will help you have beautiful hands. At we explain how to strengthen...