Natural healthy hair

How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 20, 2017
How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it

If you've spent years dying your hair, it is not surprising that the time comes when you decide to return to your normal or natural version. There are many options for rescuing that shiny and healthy color that you had before you started dyeing it. If you have decided to rescue your old hair, in this article we'll tell you how to get your natural hair color back after dying it.

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Steps to follow:


The first thing you should do to get your natural hair color back after dying it is to remove damaged hair. Dyeing and bleaching cause a lot of damage to your hair, the tips deteriorate, the strands dry out and when your hair is like this, it is unlikely that nutrients will be able to hydrate it. Remove at least four fingers of damaged hair so you can begin to nourish it. If you are looking for ways to dye your hair in unnatural colors without bleaching, here we show you how to dye your hair blue without bleach.

How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it - Step 1

After your hair has grown at least two fingers, dye it with your natural color. You need to let your hair grow so the color of the dye is the same as your roots and so the tips are healthy enough to receive a new chemical intervention.

You might also be interested in how to dye your hair purple without bleaching.

How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it - Step 2

Don't retouch your roots. Ideally, your hair will keep growing and you'll only cover the old color from the root down. To do this you should use a lighter color every time and your natural color will start coming through.


To restore your hair's natural color, cut it every two months. The more you cut your hair, the faster it will grow and the faster you'll carry on losing your artificial color that will still remain at the tips. Take a look at how often you should cut your hair to learn more about tricks to make it grow faster.


You should use semi-permanent dyes, as these usually fall out easier after a few washes and over time your hair will start purifying itself from the multiple coloring till you get a uniform color. You should also protect your colored hair to prevent any further damage.


Black dye is the most difficult to remove. If you want to restore your blonde or brown color, you should start with some highlights so you lighten part of the hair while the other part remains dark. When it's time for your touch-ups, apply increasingly lighter shades until you have removed almost all the black and you can apply your own color.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

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tabitha ingle
I dyed my hair red an now I am trying to get it back to my normal color which is blond how can I do that without frying my hair and what can I do to help my hair an have more fuller hair?
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How to Get Your Natural Hair Color Back after Dying it