Applying nail polish

How to Do your Nails without Messing Up

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Do your Nails without Messing Up

Getting a perfect manicure that does not stain the skin around the nails at the time of painting can be a very troublesome duty, especially when we do special designs or do not have much experience in this delicate art. Fortunately, there are different solutions that give us all a flawless finish and they make well-polished nails look easy. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading this OneHowTo article where we explain how to do your nails without messing up. We discovered all the little tricks that use the real nail art experts.

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Steps to follow:


In many cases, cuticles and skin around nails are absolutely smattered with nail polish, because this has not been correctly applied. Thus, before seeing what tricks the true nail art experts use to create an absolutely flawless manicure, we will give you the top-tips so you paint your nails in the best way and you stay true to yourself, your skin and your nails with an incredible appearance.

  • Do not forget to place a first layer of hardener on the nails to prevent excessive weakening.
  • Shake the nail polish that you use and move it slightly between your hands.
  • Now is the time to apply the polish. How does one do it? Place the brush tip in the central part of the nail and first spread it to the cuticle area avoiding the paint, and then to the edge of the nail following a line. Then do the same on each side until the entire surface of the nail is well covered.
  • It is best to apply thin layers of increasingly enamel substances and allow them to dry thoroughly before applying the next. This will prevent unsightly lines being created on your beautiful nails.
How to Do your Nails without Messing Up - Step 1

Now we will reveal one of the most popular star and expert tricks to do your nails without messing up, at the time of applying your polish. The secret product is Vaseline, a cosmetic that can easily be purchased at pharmacies and supermarkets alike. You only have to slap down a smattering of Vaseline in the area of the cuticles and nail contour, preventing the Vaseline from touching your nails. It's a trick that works because fat containing petrolatum repels enamel. True story. Now you can paint your nails as you normally do and when the glaze has finally dried, remove the Vaseline with a piece of paper and voila - it?s the flawless manicure you've always dreamt of!

If you do not have any Vaseline, there are some individuals who use white glue, so you can try following the steps above.

How to Do your Nails without Messing Up - Step 2

Most professionals and experts make use of so-called liquid latex, It's a product that has been used in many centers for manicures and now you can also use it in your home when doing your little manicures. It's great because when placed on the skin around the nail, it creates a protective layer of rubber on the area - then when dry, it can be removed in just one second. Easy like Sunday mornings.

You will have to apply it across your nail with a little brush as you do with conventional nail polish. Wait a few minutes for it to dry and then begin the manicure. Bedazzle your nails with the color and design that you want. At the end, remove the layer of liquid latex from you fingers and voilà! Your nails look fab! You no longer have to correct those errors or spend hours retouching them, your nails will be simply marvelous.

How to Do your Nails without Messing Up - Step 3

If, despite implementing the above tricks to paint your nails without leaving nasty blotches or strokes, you see that they are ruined by small remnants of enamel on the skin, you can remove them with a cotton swab dampened with a little nail polish remover. On the other hand, on the market, you can find the so-called correction pens which also give good results and help you end up with a flawless finish. You should go to a company that has a wide range of products for manicures or a specialized shop to buy your swagger.

How to Do your Nails without Messing Up - Step 4

Have you been able to make use of these tips? On OneHowTo, we?ve also got an absolutely fabulous article that we have compiled about the most effective methods to get the nail polish to dry much faster. Slash your waiting times now, darlings! In addition to using a lamp fpr drying, discover the incredible results that you can achieve by using innovative products like olive oil, frozen water or waste gas or your deodorant, among many others. Learn all by consulting our OneHowTo article on how to get your nail polish to dry faster.

How to Do your Nails without Messing Up - Step 5

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How to Do your Nails without Messing Up