Facial care

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home

Learn how do a facial cleansing at home that is fast and offers 100% professional results. If you do not want to spend money in beauty parlous a good option is to make your own cosmetics and repeat this beauty routine once a week at home. In OneHowTo we show you step by step how to do a facial deep cleansing at home for a rejuvenated face, free of impurities and perfectly hydrated. And what is best: without leaving home! Read on and discover how.

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Steps to follow:


The first thing to do before starting this home treatment is deeply clean the skin, it is important that you do this with a cleansing soap or gel which is adapted to your skin type. This is the ideal way to remove impurities that have accumulated in the face, impurities that could reduce the benefits of the treatment's outcome.

To choose the soap with which to cleanse your face you must consider your skin type according to whether it is oily, dry or mixed. If your skin is very sensitive it is best to opt for cleansers that have no fragrance or alcohol and are neutral pH, thus avoiding the appearance of redness or irritation.

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home - Step 1

The next step to do a facial deep cleansing at home is to deeply remove any imperfection or traces of dirt that has not been removed with the first step. To achieve this it is best to apply a facial scrub. The is very simple: the skin must be slightly moist, then apply the scrub in small quantities starting from the front and go down the contours of the face. Do not forget the nose, cheeks or chin as these are areas that are also prone to accumulate dirt.

The process of exfoliating the skin is very simple: you have to rub the product in circular movements over the skin, pressing lightly to unclog pores.

If you do not want to buy a scrub you will like to know that you can make one with sugar and so use a very effective home made face scrub. Thanks to the thickness of the sugar you can deep clean the skin and also fill it with the nutrients contained within this product. To do this it will just be sufficient to put a spoonful of sugar in the palm of your hand and mix it with a little water, pass it on your face in circular motions and you will see how clean your face becomes.

In addition to sugar there are many more treatments based on oats, honey and so on. In OneHowTo we reveal homemade face scrubs so you can choose yours.

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home - Step 2

Following exfoliation the next step is to open the pores to proceed to deep cleaning. To so this we simply apply steam as the heat will open the pores and prepare them for cleaning. To do this is very simple: put water to boil and when ready turn off the heat position your face about 30 cm above the pot.

So the steam does not escape it is best to cover your head with a towel and stay in this position for approximately 10 minutes. With this you will make the pores of your skin open and also ensures that the skin is more relaxed as the heat will improve blood circulation.

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home - Step 3

When the pores are open it will be time to start with the proper cleaning. What does that mean? Well, we have to remove the blackheads and pimples we have on the face. To do this, it is best to have completely clean hands and go extracting pimples or blackheads with tour fingertips, never using our nails as it could hurt us and leave a horrible mark.

There might be some blood, this is an indicator that will tell you that it is clean and you can therefore stop pushing. A piece of advice is that instead of cleaning your pores with your fingertips you wrap them instead in antiseptic gauzes that are disinfected.

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home - Step 4

When you have finished cleaning the skin, the next step is to applying tonic with a cotton disk or with your fingers (which should be clean). The tonic is essential in this beauty treatment: it removes impurities that could not be removed with the above steps. In addition, it is also imperative to close pores completely, making your skin clean and protected from any external contaminants.


To end with the home cleaning, the last step we have to do is moisturize the skin. After all the cleaning our face will be damaged and red, so there is nothing better that to deeply nourish it and regenerate the skin's health. For this you have several options: you can choose a ready made moisturizing mask or, if you want to avoid spending money and applying chemicals, you can learn to make one yourself.

In this regard, aloe vera is one of the best options to moisturize and regenerate the dermis. To make this homemade mask, you just have to cut a leaf of aloe and remove the gel that you will find inside, this being s viscous and gelatinous substance. Put it in a bowl and add the juice of 1 lemon, mix well to bring them together and then apply to your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

This is just one of many options available, if you want to know more we invite you to read our article that tells you how to moisturize the skin naturally.

How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home - Step 6

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How to Do a Facial Deep Cleansing at Home