Home Remedies for Sagging Breasts

There are many causes of sagging breasts in women, but the worst culprit is a combination of age and gravity. If you have come to this article because you are concerned about the physical direction in which your breasts might be headed, first understand that it is a natural process triggered by many factors. However, seemingly the worst side effect of ptosis (the scientific term) is the knock in confidence which it can provide, often leading to unnecessary cosmetic surgery which, although a choice very much for the individual, can raise its own issues. By reading this OneHowTo.com article on Home Remedies for Sagging Breasts, you can find out what you can do at home for a natural way to maintain firmness and stop sagging.
Steps to follow:
Like almost every adverse condition the human body can undergo, prevention is better than cure. If you look at people who go through dramatic weight loss, you will see that sagging skin is very hard to firm up, even if the muscles underneath are in peak physical condition. This is because skin is like a balloon, it can be inflated a little and go back to its original shape, but once it reaches its elastic limit, it won't go back to its initial structure.
The best way to treat sagging breasts is prevention, but even if you have already started to sag the following techniques will help:
- Exercise: especially chest exercises and push ups. Anything where your arms at the shoulder move will help to keep skin taught and stretch out the creases.
- Wearing the right bra: some may claim anecdotal evidence that not wearing a bra helps to keep breasts supple, but unfortunately scientific research tends to disagree with this practice. Having something too big/small in the cup or too short/long in the strap can lead to drooping.
- Eating healthily: this not only helps to stop weight gain from overeating, but also provides the nutrients you need to build cells, typically found in foodstuffs like fish with omega-3 fatty acids or nuts rich in antioxidants.
- Quit smoking: there are many health benefits in quitting smoking, but sometimes the cosmetic differences are overlooked. By decreasing the blood supply to the skin's surface smoking can have a detrimental effect on it and ages skin prematurely. Over-tanning is also not recommended.
- Correct your posture: poor posture is gravity's friend, so providing your breasts less opportunity to go downward will help them stay in position.

If ingesting processed or low-nutrient food is bad for your skin, food with nutrients designed for your own specific needs can have the opposite effect. You don't even have to eat them. Foods like eggs are good natural allies that provide firmness to breasts and make them look raised. Specifically, the egg has astringent properties and lipids that help firm the skin and prevent ageing. We recommend mixing the egg white with a capsule of vitamin E, which is ideal to rejuvenate the epidermis and applying it as a mask over the breasts. Leave on for 30 minutes, before removing with warm water. Mixing it with cucumber and some cream, then refrigerating it overnight can also provide a great mask to be used in the same way.
Of course, eating them as part of a balanced diet will help to keep your whole body healthy. This is because they contain minerals like zinc which not only help skin in terms of helping it maintain shape, but also helps fight off skin problems such as acne.

Another excellent home remedy for sagging breasts is aloe vera because this plant has the ability to regenerating skin tissue, making it more firm and smooth. It also promotes the production of collagen and elastin which is perfect to slow ageing and in helping to improve the appearance of your bust.
You can apply aloe vera gel directly onto the breasts and massage the skin until it has completely absorbed the product. Repeat the treatment 4 or 5 times a week. Another option is to develop a firming mask by mixing 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon honey and 2 crushed cucumber slices. Spread over the breasts and leave to act for 15 to 20 minutes.

Extreme cold causes breast tissues to contract and thus recover their firmness and tone. It is for this reason that massaging with ice cubes is a great natural remedy to firm up the bust. It works similarly to how exercise works on a muscle as the contraction from the cold is like a push up or squat for the skin, helping to maintain tone and working in a more direct way than other physical exertion.
At the time of performing the massage it is important to wrap the ice cubes in a cloth or towel to not cause burns on the skin. Then run it over the breasts making slow circular movements around each breast. You can Use ice directly on the skin, but you need to keep the ice moving and not exceed one minute while doing so. Applying cold water while you are showering is also good for your skin in general, despite the unpleasantness it can cause while you're under there (nothing is ever easy).

Olive oil contains antioxidants and fatty acids which can help combat the damage caused by free radicals responsible for skin ageing. Moreover, it is a powerful natural moisturiser that leaves the area completely nourished and protected against external aggression.
The most effective method it is to massage the breasts for 15 minutes with a little olive oil, previously warming your hands. Repeat this remedy 4 or 5 times a week to see results. You can get olive oil skin masks as well which can help and are relatively cheap. If you want to see how items you have lying round the kitchen can have surprising health benefits in other areas, check out this article on How to Use White Vinegar for More Beautiful Skin.

In addition to olive oil, there are other natural oils that have powerful and penetrating firming that reach the deeper layers of the skin, providing extra nutrition and moisture. We recommend that before you go to sleep you massage breasts with oils like argan, avocado, jojoba, rosehip or coconut. You will need to read up on each one individually, especially when deciding how much to use as some can have negative effects on the skin if used inappropriately.

There are few plants which are as effective a preventative for sagging breasts than fennel. It contains phytoestrogens and promotes the work of the hormone that is responsible for breasts' increase in size, making them look bigger. Take one or two infusions of fennel a day and you should start to see and appreciate the results of firmer breasts.
Sharing certain syllables is not the only similarity fenugreek has with fennel, it also is a great natural remedy for helping the symptoms of ptosis. Vitamins contained within the seeds help fight free radicals which destroy cells and encourage poor skin condition. In a mortar and pestle, grind up some fenugreek seeds until you have a powder, then mix with some natural yogurt and use as a mask on your breasts. Adding a little honey and almond oil will also help promote healthy skin.

While most other remedies in this list concern edibles, using rhassoul clay is great for the skin, but not necessarily going to be very tasty if you eat it. Originating in the Atlas mountains and used by North African women for centuries to help promote healthy skin, it has found its way to other parts of the globe and is commonly found in Turkish baths where it is rubbed on with a special glove.
Make your own mask by breaking up the clay and mixing with a little water to make a paste. Apply directly to the breast area and allow it to dry. Leave for about half an hour and rinse. As you might expect from something which comes from the land, it contains high levels of magnesium, iron and calcium to help tighten the skin.

Some other masks:
- Pumpkin: pumpkin seed oil helps to promote new tissue growth which can have a significant bearing on helping to rejuvenate breasts. Eating it also has its benefits.
- Pomegranate: natural anti-ageing properties and full of phyto-nitrates which encourage firmness.
- Pineapple: east it, drink it, spread it, it's all good for the skin in moderation.
- Tamarind: although it doesn't begin with a 'p', it is still a useful tool for the skin and mixing it with carrots, plums and lychees will also help encourage health.

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