Facial masks

How to Make a Homemade Charcoal Face Mask - Top 3 DIY Masks

Nidhi Nangia
By Nidhi Nangia. August 9, 2017
How to Make a Homemade Charcoal Face Mask - Top 3 DIY Masks

We have all embraced activated charcoal in our skin care routine, because we know how beneficial it can be for our skin. It draws poisons, bacteria, dirt, chemicals and other particles from our skin, leaving us with a flawless, blemish-free complexion. Although charcoal is non-absorbable, it can be effective in treating poisonous bites, and even disinfecting a certain cuts and wounds. Due to all of its health benefits, charcoal has become an active ingredient in many facial masks. Instead of buying one from the market, this oneHOWTO article will show you how to make a homemade charcoal face mask on your own.

  1. What does activated charcoal do for your skin?
  2. Activated charcoal and honey mask
  3. DIY charcoal mask with glue
  4. Charcoal Face Mask With Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. DIY charcoal peel off mask without glue

What does activated charcoal do for your skin?

You may have seen plenty of videos online of activated charcoal face masks, but what is it actually used for? Apart from teeth whitening and getting rid of the free radicals in our body, activated charcoal on the skin can get rid of excess oil found on the face, allowing to clean clogged pores and make your skin smoother. When combined with the right ingredients, it can reduce acne breakouts, due to its unclogging properties.

It's also a great way to cleanse your face to get rid of free radicals by getting rid of the nasty pollution that our skin absorbs on a daily basis, especially if you live in a city. Activated charcoal actually acts as a magnet, which will absorb any nasty impurities and chemicals before they get into your blood stream.

Many activated charcoal DIY face masks recommend using PVA glue as if it were a pore strip. However, there is a downside to using this ingredient on your skin. First of all, you should know this product should not be anywhere near your eyes, as it could be extremely harmful for them. On the other side, PVA glue can also trigger allergic reactions and can actually clog pores, making your skin much worse and more prone to dirt buildup and acne sprouts.

Activated charcoal and honey mask

In addition to charcoal, this face mask also contains bentonite clay that also works as a magnet to draw out dirt and impurities from your skin. This is the perfect activated charcoal face mask for acne. Let’s see how to make it


  • 1 tsp of bentonite clay
  • 1 tsp of activated charcoal powder
  • ½ tsp of raw honey
  • 2 tsp of water
  • 1 drop of lavender essential oil


  1. Take a non-metal, preferably glass bowl
  2. Pour water and the essential oil in it
  3. Add bentonite clay in the bowl and allow it to get absorbed in the water. This can take around 10 seconds
  4. Add honey and activate charcoal powder into it
  5. Use a spatula to mix the ingredients together. As clay tends to stay lumpy, you may need to mix thoroughly for a few minutes
  6. Apply liberally on face, let it dry for 10 minutes, and then wash off with warm water and soap

Since this face mask does not contain any preservatives, you should make a new batch every time you want to use it. Do not make a whole lot and store. It may go bad.

How to Make a Homemade Charcoal Face Mask - Top 3 DIY Masks - Activated charcoal and honey mask

DIY charcoal mask with glue

This is a peel-off face mask that pulls out dirt from your skin pores, leaving your skin pure and fresh. Be ready to bear a little pain though with this DIY charcoal mask with glue.


  • Charcoal tablets
  • A non-toxic brand of PVA glue


  1. Take a glass bowl and squeeze some PVA glue into it. While buying the glue, read its labels to make sure that it is a non-toxic variety. A non-toxic brand will be safe for your skin, and will not cause any damage or irritation
  2. If you are using a charcoal capsule, you can just split it and pour its contents into the bowl. But if you are using a tablet, you will have to crush it and then add its powder to the bowl
  3. Add more charcoal powder, until the contents in the bowl look pure black in color
  4. Use your fingers to apply this face mask on your face. You may also apply it using a makeup brush, but you will have to clean it thoroughly after application
  5. Wait for 30 minutes
  6. Once it has dried completely, you can start peeling it off using your fingers. It may hurt a bit, but this will help in removing the grime and dirt hidden deep inside your skin pores
  7. After peeling off the maximum portion of the face mask, use a wash cloth to loosen any crumbled or cracked sections of the mask and then wash off

Charcoal Face Mask With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is found to be helpful in reducing age spots, fighting acne, blemishes and wrinkles, balancing the skin, and removing toxins from your skin. When combined with charcoal and bentonite clay, it can work wonders to give you a younger, smoother looking skin


  • ¼ tsp charcoal powder
  • 1 ½ tsp of bentonite clay
  • 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 ½ tsp of water


  1. Pour all the ingredients in a glass bowl and mix well
  2. Use a wooden or plastic spoon only to mix the contents, as charcoal is known to draw out toxins from metals. So, you should never use metals while handling charcoal
  3. Wash your face and pat it dry
  4. Apply an even layer of the mask on your face, while avoiding delicate areas of your skin, such as lips and eyes
  5. Let the mask sit for 10 minutes while allowing it to dry
  6. Wash the mask off with water and pat your skin dry
  7. Apply a natural moisturizer and leave

DIY charcoal peel off mask without glue

If you want to make a DIY charcoal peel off mask that has no glue, as you don't want the adverse effects of the chemical compounds in it, then we advise you to use a natural commercial peel as a base to mix with your charcoal to get the benefits of both. You can also use the recipe we describe below.


  • 1 pouch commercial gelatin
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1 tsp charcoal powder
  • 2 drops favorite essential oil


  1. Pour one sachet of gelatin in a bowl
  2. Add the water and stir until you get a perfect mixture
  3. Put the bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds to solidify the mix slightly
  4. Add the charcoal powder and stir
  5. Add the drops of your chosen essential oil and stir
  6. Apply on a clean face with a brush
  7. Let it dry for about 30 minutes and peel off

Make sure you clean your face once again and apply a moisturizer after this mask application.

How to Make a Homemade Charcoal Face Mask - Top 3 DIY Masks - DIY charcoal peel off mask without glue

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How to Make a Homemade Charcoal Face Mask - Top 3 DIY Masks