Massage, you will find practical information written by experts about massage in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
5 articles
Many of us think that the best massage is one where we are lying face down and our back is pummeled into oblivion. While these massages are very helpful for certain types of muscle stiffness and pain, it is not the only way to make us feel good. Facial massages are more than just self-care. They can...
There are many ways to relax, de-stress and forget built-up tensions, but if you also want to regain strength and heal the tensest parts of your body, you can try a shiatsu massage. This Japanese technique is based on the channeling of vital energy through the application of healing pressure on strategic...
One of the best remedies for relaxing your mind and body is, without doubt, a good Balinese massage. Hailing from Indonesia, particularly the exotic island of Bali that gives it its name, this traditional massage has its origins in Hinduism and Hindu related medicine mixed with some traditional Chinese...
medium difficulty
We are used to giving and/or receiving back massages. However, your body is more extensive than just your back and so you can also notice tension or pain in other areas. This can apply to your hands for example. In this article we explain how to give a hand massage. Read on for the steps you need to follow.
A massage is a great way to help you relax from all of the stress and tension in your day to day life, and is good for skin, muscles and mind. But the first time that you get a Swedish massage, you may be nervous and not know what to expect. Have no fear, OneHowTo is here to tell you exactly what to expect...