Hair dye
Hair dye, you will find practical information written by experts about hair dye in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
7 articles
Allergy to pure henna is very rare because henna has a very low allergic potential. Allergy to henna is a type I allergic reaction that appears within minutes. Henna allergy symptoms include sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing and itching. However, most allergic reactions people experience with henna...
Can you use henna for grey afro hair? Yes you can, but there are a few information you will need to keep in mind. Hair turns grey when the oil glands produce less sebum, which is normal when you get older. That means grey hair often become dry, and Afro curls start to loosen. What you want to avoid at...
Katam hair dye is a natural hair color coming from katam plant leaves. Katam dyes hair dark brown with purple shades. In order to color hair with katam you need to mix katam powder for hair with some water, until you reach a paste consistency.
Katam is a re-discovery in natural hair dye so people still...
low difficulty
low difficulty
Learning how to know if henna is natural is very important as henna becomes every day more popular. Several people experience problems including allergies and itching because they are not able to tell if the henna they are using is natural or not. Problems may get worse for tourists in very popular destinations...
Before trying Cassia, many people wonder if cassia changes hair color at all, and what are the benefits of Cassia Obovata. Cassia Obovata is also referred to as Senna or Natural Henna, although the name is misleading. Cassia Obovata is a different plant from henna. It grows in Egypt and Sudan - around...
low difficulty
Having a colour rinse is simple, fast and it has many advantages. For example, if you do not like it, after a few washes it will be gone. In addition, this colour rinse can also be helpful if you want to add more brightness and radiance to your hair. It is important to know that color rinse does not...
low difficulty
Highlights provide a bit of rebellion and originality to your hair. They are currently very fashionable, and that is why we see so many teenagers these days with dyed hair. In specialist beauty shops, you will find all the colours you could ever wish for; however, applying these colours can be damaging to...