Eyebrow plucking
Eyebrow plucking, you will find practical information written by experts about eyebrow plucking in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
2 articles
Anyone who had gone through the history of eyebrows will notice the roller costar ride of eyebrow shape and thickness through decades. From the thick eyebrows of Queen Nefertiti of Egypt to bushy untamed eyebrows of Victorian era. The 20’s and 30’s saw straight thin eyebrows like Clara Bow and the 50’s...
low difficulty
Getting perfectly plucked eyebrows is not a simple task, so many women head to the salon to keep them looking good. Poorly defined eyebrows do not enhance the beauty of the eyes or facial features and instead do the the opposite, because for example eyebrows that are too thin will age the look of your...