How to Use Honey to Fight Acne

How to Use Honey to Fight Acne

If you suffer from acne you should know that one of the most effective natural remedies to combat it is honey. This ingredient works as a natural antiseptic and contains antibacterial properties which works perfectly for treating acne and provide a smoother, softer skin. Moreover, its powerful cleaning action causes clogged pores to be cleaned completely, thus avoiding the formation of new annoying and unsightly pimples. In this OneHowTo article we explain how to use honey to fight acne by giving you recipes for different homemade masks that you can easily prepare at home.

Steps to follow:

Honey's beauty properties are many, especially when it comes to the matter of skin. This natural ingredient works to perfection to cleanse the face thoroughly and also works as a natural exfoliant removing dead skin and cells; it has a strong moisturising function and helps reduce impurities so it is ideal for treating acne. In this OneHowTo article we tell you in detail what the benefits of honey are for skin.


Mask for oily skin. This mask to fight acne is indicated for people whose have a tendency to oily skin. To produce this home treatment you just need 3 tablespoons of honey and ½ tablespoon cinnamon (It is highly recommended this be organic).

To prepare this mask, mix the two ingredients in a bowl and stir until combined. Then, apply it on your face and leave it on for 30 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat this process once a week and enjoy a clean face without spots.

If you have oily skin, check out these homemade masks for oily skin and home remedies for oily skin.


Mask for sensitive skin. This mask is suitable for people who have acne but also have sensitive skin. To make it you need to take 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, If you have an aloe vera plant, OneHowTo shows you how to care for your aloe vera plant. Aloe vera has many properties and helps reduce inflammation of the skin so it will work perfectly for sensitive skin.

To prepare it we only have to mix the two components and apply on the face, you can help with a cotton bud or cotton disk. Let the treatment penetrate your face for 20 minutes and then rinse well with cold water. Repeat the procedure 1 to week and enjoy a smoother face.


Mask for dry skin. People with dry skin can treat acne naturally by mixing a mask of avocado and yoghurt. Both ingredients encourage taking care of the skin's hydration from within.

Mix 1 tablespoon of mashed avocado, 1 tablespoon of plain yoghurt and 1 tablespoon honey, and when you get a smooth paste, spread it on the skin. Let the ointment act for about 20 minutes and then remove it with warm water. Repeat the procedure once a week and enjoy a smoother face.


Mask for mixed skin. Honey can also be used for people with combination skin, i.e. combining oily and dry skin on the face; for this you must add lemon juice to the honey mask. You will need 1 tablespoon honey and half a tablespoon of natural lemon juice (if it is natural and squeezed by yourself better). The lemon helps clear skin blemishes and remove scars.

You will have to mix all the ingredients and apply it on your face, leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat this procedure 1 or 2 times per week and you will notice the benefits of lemon on the face as it removes acne and blemishes.


Once you have already eliminated acne with honey it is important to know how to prevent it reappearing as, in addition to hormonal changes that can not be controlled, there are other reasons that can cause pimples. Here we give some beauty tips which you must follow to prevent acne:

  • Cleansing the face daily stops dirt and bacteria accumulating in pores.
  • Choose suitable products for your skin type.
  • Watch your eating and avoid fatty foods.
  • Less stress is synonymous with better skin health.

In this OneHowTo article we tell you how to prevent acne with more tips to help you know how to care your face. Plus, did you know that honey can be used to remove moles?

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