How to Use Aloe Vera for Dandruff

How to Use Aloe Vera for Dandruff

If your shoulders are full of dandruff and you don't know what to do, keep reading this OneHowTo article. It is possible that the ultimate remedy for dandruff on your scalp is on aloe vera. Aloe vera is a medicinal plant used as part of numerous pharmaceutical, cosmetic and body products. Its antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties make this plant perfect to fight off dandruff and keep your scalp healthy. Furthermore, aloe vera allows the hair to be nourishd from the inside, helping it look more beautiful and giving it strength. Read on if you want to know how to use aloe vera to prevent dandruff.

You'll need:
  • An aloe vera plant over three years old
Steps to follow:

There are many shampoos specific for dandruff that contain aloe vera, given that this plant has been proved to be one of the most effective in tackling this condition of the scalp. The specific properties of this plant make it perfect to tackle dandruff and keep the hair healthy:

  • Aloe vera has analgesic properties which help to stop the itching that dandruff might cause. This continuous itching might make the problem worse, given that scratching the scalp stimulates the production of the sebaceous glands and favours the appearance of wounds that can get infected.
  • Its antibacterial and antifungal properties will allow aloe vera to act directly in the origin of the problem, stopping its advance.
  • Aloe vera thoroughly cleans the scalp, it eliminates all the debris accumulated in the pores and balances its pH.
  • It offers a feeling of freshness.
  • It contains an enzime that stimulates the growing of the hair, making it grow stronger and healthier.

If you want to use aloe vera to get rid of dandruff you can carry on the treatment below. To do so, you will need between 1 and 3 cuts of the aloe vera plant, depending on how long your hair is. The steps you need to follow are:

  1. Cut the aloe vera leaves, take the thorns out and cut them lengthwise with a knife.
  2. Extract all the gelatin from the interior with a spoon and leave it in a container.
  3. The gel that you've got from the interior of the leaves is the one you have to apply directly on the scalp. Massage for some minutes to allow it to deeply penetrate.
  4. Leave it to act for 20 or 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair as you would normally do, preferably using a specific shampoo for dandruff.

You can repeat this treatment during various days and observe the results. If the dandruff doesn't improve in a week, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist. In case you don't have an aloe vera plant at home, you can get aloe vera gel from any pharmacy or natural stores. It is important that when purchasing aloe vera gel you make sure that it is as purest as possible.

You can complement the aloe vera treatment with a shikakai hair wash for best results.


You can foster the beneficial effects of aloe vera against dandruff combining this plant with other natural ingredients that are also beneficial for this purpose. One of the best to treat conditions on the scalp is lemon. This citrus fruit has astringent and antibacterial properties, which considerably reduce the oily secretions on the scalp and fights off the microorganisms that cause dandruff.

To use lemon to get rid of dandruff, you can do an aloe vera and lemon mask. To prepare it you only need to mix the gel of 2 leaves of aloe vera with the juice of one lemon. Apply the mask on the scalp doing gentle circular movements and leave it for 20 or 30 minutes. When the time has passed, wash your hair and you will feel it fresher and less itchy.


Apple cider vinegar is another product you can use on your hair to get rid of dandruff. This product offers a deep cleaning of the scalp, eliminating all the dead cells. It is antibacterial and it controls excess sebum. Combined with aloe vera is a perfect natural alternative to eliminate dandruff from the scalp.

Prepare a hair mask mixing 2 spoons of aloe vera gel with one spoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in half a cup of mineral water. When the mix is ready, extend it all over your hair from the roots to the tips and leave it rest for 20 minutes. You'll soon see how your hair looks brighter and healthier and the itching disappears.

Have you ever tried using white vinegar for dandruff? That works well too.


If you want to get rid of dandruff as soon as possible, besides using aloe vera on your scalp you can follow these recommendations:

  • Use high-quality shampoos, that have good anti dandruff action and that don't have too many chemicals.
  • Leave the hair to air dry and don't use too many dryers, hair irons...
  • Don't use too many harsh products to the hair, such as hairspray, gel, wax...
  • Eat a healthy diet that contains foods rich in zinc and vitamin B, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated and drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
  • Learn how to relax and reduce anxiety.

Doing this regularly you'll remove dandruff, deeply nourish hair follicles and encourage hair growth. It will make your hair look stronger and beautiful and even stop it from falling out.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Use Aloe Vera for Dandruff, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

  • There are also aloe vera juice special shampoos on sale, but making your own aloe vera dandruff treatment will act more effectively.