How to Reduce a Spot's Inflammation

How to Reduce a Spot's Inflammation

If you have a spot on your face and it has become inflamed you need to know that there are some tricks that can help you reduce the spot's inflammation. From natural remedies to products which you will surely have at home already, many are the possibilities to reduce its swelling and disguise the apparition of acne as much as possible. We at oneHOWTO explain how to reduce a spot's inflammation and also give some advice for you to care for your face so it is always smooth, perfect and free of acne.

Home remedies for acne

There are some household products that contain components that will help reduce the inflation of the spot and improve its appearance. These are some of the home remedies that can help you reduce the swelling of the spot:

  • Ice: when we have a bang we use ice to reduce inflammation, and so with a spot the ice will do the same task of reducing swelling. You must only ensure that this is placed in a plastic bag to prevent direct contact with the skin and possible burning; place it on the spot and leave ¡t to act for approximately 6 or 7 minutes.
  • Tooth paste with fluorine: fluoride is a component in tooth paste which helps to reduce the swelling of a spot. To do so put a little tooth paste on the inflamed area and leave to dry. After this wash with abundant water and repeat the process until improved.
  • Massage around the spot: if we make a mild circular massage around the inflamed area we can activate the movement of blood and, therefore, make the swelling decrease gradually. This is a home remedy which is somewhat slow so you'll have to be patient if you want to see the results.
  • Lemon with salt: the acid content in lemon mixed with salt disinfects the spot and improves its condition. To apply this, we only need to mix the juice of a lemon with a little salt and apply it on the area with a cotton swab. The process of scaring will speed up and you will have a cleaner and softer face.
  • Tea tree oil: this oil contains anti-bacterial properties making it ideal to treat acne and prevents skin oils from producing more spots. Apply a little oil on a cotton pad and run it over the area you want to alleviate.
  • Apple cider vinegar: the acid content in vinegar is perfect to combat acne. To reduce a spot's swelling you must mix half a cup of vinegar with 1 litre of water and 1 teaspoonful of salt. Wash your face every night before sleeping with this mixture and you will see how your acne improves.
  • Whole grain rice: this ingredient is perfect to help us remove a spot. For this, we must put a cup of whole grain rice to boil in 2 cups of water, strain the rice and keep the water which is what will be used on the skin. With a cotton pad, put some water on the area to be treated and repeated this process 3 times a week.

In addition to these remedies, you can also prevent the appearance of acne, so you'll avoid having to use them.

Caring for a face with acne

If you are prone to have spots it is important that you understand what causes acne and follow some specific steps to care for skin with acne so you will help to prevent it and enjoy a smooth and even face. These are simple treatments that you can add to your routine without any effort and with immediately visible results.

  • Aloe vera: this plant has a great power to heal, and so applying it daily to your face will ensure that marks left by acne will be less visible and deep. You can use the aloe vera directly from the plant or in gel or cream format.
  • Change the bed sheets: it is important that you change all your bed sheets weekly, but if you suffer from acne you must change your pillow case every day so the oils let off by your face do not produce further spots or blackheads. Instead of having to change your pillow case everyday you can cover your pillow with a cloth or a towel.
  • Good nutrition: facial spots are also related to the kind of diet followed. To maintain a healthy diet for your skin, it is important that you reduce eating fatty foods and eat a lot of fruit and fibre. Water is also important to eliminate toxins from the body. Above all, what must be avoided is to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol as these are products which exacerbate the emergence of acne.
  • Beware of make-up: there are some cosmetic products that may increase the oil of your skin, therefore if you have spots on your skin it is better to use cosmetics which are specifically developed for your skin type.

Why does acne appear

There are different causes of acne that make your face become overrun by small skin infections, which are both a discomfort and visually displeasing. In OneHowTo we want you to know the causes of acne so that you know how to treat it and learn to prevent it.

  • Hormones: during adolescence is when more acne appears on our face, this is because hormonal changes lead to the emergence of spots. Women also suffer from acne during menstruation or pregnancy, because their hormones fluctuate significantly.
  • Genes: the emergence of acne is also due to genetic factors. If your parents suffered this condition it is likely that your skin will also be prone to spots.
  • Fatty foods: Fatty foods like fried products, confectionery or battered foods are likely to make you suffer from acne. Therefore, to see improvement, it is important that your eating habits change and you start eating a more balanced diet.
  • Other causes of acne: smoking, stress, using oily make-up or living in a humid climate can also lead to the emergence of acne.

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