How To Quickly Get Rid Of A Pimple On Your Face

How To Quickly Get Rid Of A Pimple On Your Face

It's happened to all of us: you wake the day before a big event and find an unexpected pimple on your face. It's a situation that no doubt exasperates us, especially when there's no way of having a fresh face for such an important occasion. Fear not! We have some great ways to help you cover up and get rid of your unwanted guest as quickly as possible, using products you already have at home. Continue reading for advice about how to quickly get rid of a pimple on your face.

You'll need:
  • Toothpaste
  • Lemon juice
  • Lavender oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Yeast
  • Green Tea
Steps to follow:

Toothpaste, surprisingly, not only brightens your teeth but can help you get rid of pimples fast. Before going to bed, wash your face thoroughly, then apply a small amount of toothpaste to the affected area and leave it there overnight. The toothpaste will dry out the pimple, leaving you with a shrunken pimple come morning.

If you need an emergency solution and can't wait until the next day, you can apply the toothpaste for just 20 minutes and still see results, as your pimple will have time to dry during this time and will disappear quickly.

Take into account that this method is not suitable if you have very dry skin, it is more effective on people with more greasy skin.


Another trick for shrinking your zit is to dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply to the pimple before bed time. It is important to do this only at night since the sun produces a chemical reaction in the lemon juice and can stain your skin, which is what happens if you expose yourself to the sun right after applying lemon.


An effective home remedy for fighting pimples is to mix a little bit of green tea with baker's yeast (the one you normally use for cooking). Make a paste by mixing these two ingredients and apply it to the pimple with a cotton ball or bud. Allow it to dry and get rid of it with lukewarm water and wash your face as you usually do.


The next home remedy will not only help reduce pimple swelling, but will also hydrate your face deeply. You will only need to mix a little cinnamon and honey into a paste, wash your face and apply the mixture to the affected area before bed. Wash your face thoroughly in the morning. If you usually twist and turn in your sleep, consider putting a towel over your pillow to avoid staining the pillowcase.


Lavender oil has many dermatological properties that are highly beneficial for your skin, helping you fight impurities such as pimples and blackheads. This is why an amazing treatment is to apply a small amount to the affected area and leave it on during night time. If you'd like to prepare this oil yourself, we invite you to take a look at our article on how to make homemade lavender oil.


To prevent new pimples from regularly popping up it is important to take care of your skin and your diet, wash your face daily and exfoliate with products designed for everyday use to remove dead cells, apply astringents to your T-zone and, if you wear makeup, always remove it before bed because makeup covers your pores, making your skin more prone to acne. Read How to prevent acne for more information on preventing new pimples from regularly popping up.


If, once you've applied these home remedies, you want to camouflage those annoying pimples to reduce their visibility. This way you'll look perfect and radiant on such a special occasion.

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  • Do not squeeze a pimple before attempting to treat it. This will only make things worse
  • For severe acne, consult a dermatologist
  • Always wash your face and dry it before applying any pimple treatment
  • If one method does not work, try another until you find the one that's best for you
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before touching your face or applying a pimple treatment