How to Make A Milk Bath

How to Make A Milk Bath

Milk has many benefits when consumed as part of a healthy diet, but many people are unaware that it can also be used as part of a skin care routine. Milk provides moisture to the epidermis and can be very soothing for sunburns, it can also be used as a natural remedy to revitalize dry skin. Adding milk to a bath is easier than applying it directly to the skin and this method can be repeated as often as necessary. Discover how to make a milk bath with this step by step guide.

You'll need:
  • Bathtub
  • Water
  • Whole Milk, Battered or powdered
  • Lavander
  • Honey
Steps to follow:

The first step to make a milk bath is to fill the tub with water at a desired temperature. While tepid water works well, some people prefer to immerse themselves in a hot bath.


Once the bath is full, the next step will be to add two to four cups of whole milk, powdered milk or buttermilk to the bath water. A higher fat content is better for the skin, providing long lasting moisturizing effects.


Include other ingredients such as lavender or honey to add a pleasant aroma or additional softening for your skin, whichever you prefer, as they both have excellent calming properties too.

You can also choose the essential oil you prefer, you can pick your favorite. Just add about 5 drops into the bath.


Relax in the bath water for at least 20 minutes so that the skin can fully absorb the milky water. It is desirable that you exfoliate in the bath to remove dead skin cells and help the body better absorb the milk.


When you've finished, drain the bath water and then immediately clean it to remove any residual milk. Note that milk can leave a smelly layer on porcelain bath tubs if not cleaned promptly.

If you want to create a bit more ambiance, why not take a look at our article on how to have a relaxing bath at home?


If you are taking the milk bath for smoother skin, there are also some natural remedies that can also help after having the milk bath too. Take a look at how to naturally moisturise skin and home remedies to get rid of cellulite.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make A Milk Bath, we recommend you visit our Beauty & Personal Care category.

  • Take a milk bath as often as necessary to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Before you add honey you should make sure you don't have an allergy to it.